That above statement show that he is not completely selling trust or is a shady person.
I think its funny how you complicate obvious things.Maybe there are a few more statements you should have skimmed through .
3) The OP is an obvious Butt-Hurt cause if he was so honest or nice person to make this thread then his next reply would have been -- "Oh no dude,you are selling trust which i think is shady and i shouldn't deal with shady people"-- but instead he was interested to get a positive if he is on DT or not (by asking it openly) & i am certainly sure that the transaction haven't gone through which is why the OP made this thread.
Lol ,other false assumption.Did you check Op's thread where he does his exchanges ? I think he has better offers in line to cry over not successfully trading
BTC0.33.I don't see any reasons why this shouldn't be posted openly.
4)User asking for trust and user giving trust is not the same.The first one has the intent to scam & in this case it is the OP but the latter one shows the carelessness or thinking to benefit oneself/selfishness but not shady or scammy.
Nothing shady or scammy here,its against the forum rules to sell trust.You can clearly make out mixan wanting to sell trust by closing a deal for cheaper price.In fact,he emphasized on Trust as a source as why this deal should take place and not the actual deal.