
Topic: Using S1 AntMiners as Heaters for "Bitcoin House" Project (Read 3033 times)

sr. member
Activity: 252
Merit: 250
This is an amazing idea !! However, what do u do to get the loud noise from the miners to go away ?? i have been thinking about the same thing but the noise is killing me.
Antminers have low noise, much lower than Avalons or other.. However, right now we get the heat into house from a separate room but we just play with it and make some tests. The eco house build for this reason will have a separate room very well insulated against noise as we have velulosic fiber used in our houses and can design the room so that the noise wont be disturbing people living in the house.
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 251
This is an amazing idea !! However, what do u do to get the loud noise from the miners to go away ?? i have been thinking about the same thing but the noise is killing me.
sr. member
Activity: 252
Merit: 250
I think, starting now and thinking longer-term, you would have better luck running a kind of ghetto, distributed server farm for more general-purpose uses, which, for most profit, would likely be GPUs brute-forcing passwords. Whatever you're mining on (except maybe GPU-dominated algorithms, where electricity will remain a factor and today's hardware may still bring in significant revenue) likely will produce practically nothing within three winters and may not RoI even with it subsidizing your heat costs.
That said - ASIC prices will continue a downward spiral until electricity costs in running them becomes a real concern again rather than just worrying about initial cost and whether they'll RoI within the first six months before they become practically useless. Maybe, then, this idea is The Idea, but it might be good to wait at least a couple more years.
We also run GPU scrypt machines, it is an option to take into consideration... thanks!
Activity: 1218
Merit: 1015
I think, starting now and thinking longer-term, you would have better luck running a kind of ghetto, distributed server farm for more general-purpose uses, which, for most profit, would likely be GPUs brute-forcing passwords. Whatever you're mining on (except maybe GPU-dominated algorithms, where electricity will remain a factor and today's hardware may still bring in significant revenue) likely will produce practically nothing within three winters and may not RoI even with it subsidizing your heat costs.

That said - ASIC prices will continue a downward spiral until electricity costs in running them becomes a real concern again rather than just worrying about initial cost and whether they'll RoI within the first six months before they become practically useless. Maybe, then, this idea is The Idea, but it might be good to wait at least a couple more years.
sr. member
Activity: 252
Merit: 250
to OP..good idea..I think a big problem is the miners life...they sure aren't built to last for years..
Yes, but this is not main source but additional... for saving some money, for main heating we have different systems: solar, wood, electrical.
hero member
Activity: 761
Merit: 500
to OP..good idea..I think a big problem is the miners life...they sure aren't built to last for years..
sr. member
Activity: 252
Merit: 250
At some point, the power used to run the antminer will not produce enough revenue from bitcoin mining to pay the electricity bill it will take to run the machine. You also need a plan to deal with the heat during the summer.
One idea for summer time is to direct the heat to a swimming pool. Other ideas are welcomed! Smiley
sr. member
Activity: 252
Merit: 250
Insightful thread.  I'm considering investing in an Antminer...appears a new model will be released in the near future. 
Hopefully it'll produce less heat than the current version?
It'd be great if Antminers would be this sleek and energy efficient:
Do you think this 10 MH Orchid Scrypt Miner is real? The price seems to be excellent for 10,000 KHs !
Or, am I wrong...  Huh
This is out of topic but to close it just want to mention that both those sites - Flower Technology & Alpha Technology - and all info there is almost the same and they seem to be real scammers!! So be very careful if you think to order those inexisting things...
I dont't know who coppied and who made the site first and if it not the same author behind them Huh
For more details google them and look at this forum and at reddit articles about them, all show bad reputation and lead to the concusion of possible scams..
Activity: 1512
Merit: 1057
At some point, the power used to run the antminer will not produce enough revenue from bitcoin mining to pay the electricity bill it will take to run the machine. You also need a plan to deal with the heat during the summer.
sr. member
Activity: 252
Merit: 250
Insightful thread.  I'm considering investing in an Antminer...appears a new model will be released in the near future. 
Hopefully it'll produce less heat than the current version?
It'd be great if Antminers would be this sleek and energy efficient:
Do you think this 10 MH Orchid Scrypt Miner is real? The price seems to be excellent for 10,000 KHs !
Or, am I wrong...  Huh
Activity: 11
Merit: 0
Insightful thread.  I'm considering investing in an Antminer...appears a new model will be released in the near future. 

Hopefully it'll produce less heat than the current version?

It'd be great if Antminers would be this sleek and energy efficient:
sr. member
Activity: 252
Merit: 250
I'm in Michigan (10° F) and have been heating my home with AntMiners for the last month and a half. It takes about 24 to maintain a comfortable 70° F. They are all in my basement and I have fans moving the heat upstairs. For reference, my home is around 3600 sq ft if you include the basement. When the ambient temperature gets over 20° F, I have to pull cool air in through the basement windows with additional fans.

You have 24 ant miners...  Jealous.. this is my future plan.  Well maybe not ant miners but a lot of hashing power.

It is not too late for so much hashing power?? It's ok only if you can buy it for a very low price, probably unde $1 / Ghs, otherwise is waste of money and time...
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1000
I'm in Michigan (10° F) and have been heating my home with AntMiners for the last month and a half. It takes about 24 to maintain a comfortable 70° F. They are all in my basement and I have fans moving the heat upstairs. For reference, my home is around 3600 sq ft if you include the basement. When the ambient temperature gets over 20° F, I have to pull cool air in through the basement windows with additional fans.

You have 24 ant miners...  Jealous.. this is my future plan.  Well maybe not ant miners but a lot of hashing power.
sr. member
Activity: 252
Merit: 250
But with the life expectancy of current mining equipment, this doesn't seem very eco-friendly, it's going to create a lot of waste... just an observation, don't want to bash your idea.
I've also wondered about better ways to utilize the heat created from these things. The amount heat that some of these larger operations are wasting out into the atmosphere, must be enormous. Perhaps future mining projects will design around this to increase their returns.
Good luck!
It is just an idea, but you're right it is somehow a paradox... however, we are studying the possibility to integrate out PV panels into system. However, these miners have a limited life, depending on bitcoins mining end...
As you say there are many other machines that are producing and wasting heat, some applications are already in use, recovering heat from elelctrical power stations, etc.
hero member
Activity: 616
Merit: 500
I got Satoshi's avatar!
But with the life expectancy of current mining equipment, this doesn't seem very eco-friendly, it's going to create a lot of waste... just an observation, don't want to bash your idea.

I've also wondered about better ways to utilize the heat created from these things. The amount heat that some of these larger operations are wasting out into the atmosphere, must be enormous. Perhaps future mining projects will design around this to increase their returns.

Good luck!
sr. member
Activity: 252
Merit: 250
you would be better to just buy a pallet of 20 solar panels and a inverter to power a heater.. you can get a pallet of 305 watt panels for $5200 and an inverter for a gridtie system totaling about $10K. That would get you about 850kwh a month. Either use the power to supplement your central heating system or buy some oil filled radiators to produce enough heat to keep your house warm.

We have PV panels and use a lot:
But they are very high priced, as "jackals" are controlling the prices on this international market! Only few Chinese companies are out of this league, the rest are price "protected"...

Need something diferent, free and out of jackals control! Also, those do not produce profir, bitcoins and altcoins yes, produce profits.

We can get now 1.2TH machines for $5000 and the power they consume is low around 800W, so the heat got from this machine might be enough for heating this house, for example: (hope you have google translator).

Activity: 92
Merit: 10
you would be better to just buy a pallet of 20 solar panels and a inverter to power a heater.. you can get a pallet of 305 watt panels for $5200 and an inverter for a gridtie system totaling about $10K. That would get you about 850kwh a month. Either use the power to supplement your central heating system or buy some oil filled radiators to produce enough heat to keep your house warm.
sr. member
Activity: 252
Merit: 250
This is a good idea. But since I don't own an Antminter I have no idea how much heat it produces. But atm in Romania one 4xGPU rig on scrypt per room is enough. The problem is the noise but you can put the rigs in the same room/closet and use a fan system to spread the heat.
I have two S1 180hgs Antminers and one 200ghs Avalon miner in the same room now (22 square metters surface) and the temp is 28 Celsius degrees, with the door and 2 windows opened. Outside temp aprox. 6 C degrees. In the summer I might be forced to move the rigs in a cold basement!

Antminers make low noise  Smiley but Avalon is very noisy  Sad

However, together with our architect partner, we are working to create a house that can fit all these and being designed to the best results regarding temp and quietness.
full member
Activity: 204
Merit: 100
This is a good idea. But since I don't own an Antminter I have no idea how much heat it produces. But atm in Romania one 4xGPU rig on scrypt per room is enough. The problem is the noise but you can put the rigs in the same room/closet and use a fan system to spread the heat.
sr. member
Activity: 252
Merit: 250
I'm in Michigan (10° F) and have been heating my home with AntMiners for the last month and a half. It takes about 24 to maintain a comfortable 70° F. They are all in my basement and I have fans moving the heat upstairs. For reference, my home is around 3600 sq ft if you include the basement. When the ambient temperature gets over 20° F, I have to pull cool air in through the basement windows with additional fans.
I like this. Thanks for sharing, it means it is possible to do it!  Smiley
I was living in Michigan for almost 4 years, the weather is almost the same as here in Iasi, RO, where I live now.
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