Only took 8 years for Bush to drain it. Obama is going on 1 full term, shy of a few months, I doubt anyone could fix the problem in 1 term.
Please tell me you don't vote. If you can't even look up what it is you're complaining about you shouldn't open your mouth. The one thing that seems to be getting missed by certain people is that you can't reduce debt by spending more money. During Bush' presidency, the debt went from $5.768 trillion to $10.626 trillion. ($607 billion/ year). During the first 2 1/2 years of Obama, it's gone up to $14.071 trillion ($1.723 trillion per year). I wouldn't be using Bush's debt as a talking point anymore. Congress has been controlled by the left since 2006. Guess who spends the money. Oops.
Obama can't fix this because his ideology is getting in the way. Get the government out of the private sector, stop paying people to sit at home and pop out 67 kids, and put time limits on welfare....guess what would happen? Instead, we need a healthcare bill that will further hurt the economy and bring DOWN the standard of care in this country. We fight for the Dream Act to send the children of illegals to college with tax payer money. Amnesty. Great idea there. And don't forget stopping gays from getting married. Holy fuck, that might cause....I'm not even sure what the fear is over this. Why other people are so concerned with the places others are putting their dicks is beyond me. The liberal mindset does not work in reality. While we would all love for everybody to have the exact same amount of everything, everybody to have a home, everybody to drive a Bentley, it can't happen. Guess what sunshine, less than half of the population of the US works for a living. It's simple math that they can't pay for the rest of the country to sit on their asses. How is this so complicated?
This isn't a problem with the left or the right, it's all of them. The corruption is running rampant, and you are one of the sheep that keeps feeding the monster.
The only way to fix the economy is to get the government out of the way. More regulation and more federal spending will only drive us further in. It doesn't take an economist to see that.
Look at the USPS, EPA, Dept. of Education, FEMA, etc for example. Anything the federal government is involved in turns into an over-regulated bureaucratic disaster.