1. What trading pairs with USSD are you planning?
Currently, USSD is available on Uniswap and can be acquired using any coin, with a primary focus on DAI. While we might consider other popular coins in the future, our main attention is on DAI for now.
2. Wouldn't listing a stablecoin on a Centralized Exchange (CEX) present challenges due to the anonymity of your team? Do you plan to solely rely on Decentralized Exchanges (DEX)?
Indeed, the anonymity of our team may complicate listing on a CEX. Nevertheless, we're confident that DEXs can meet all our needs.
3. CoinMarketCap (CMC) shows a contract number for USSD, but the displayed logo doesn't match yours. Is that your contract?
That's intriguing. We did reach out to CMC, but given our current market cap, we don't meet their criteria. Once we surpass $200k, we intend to list USSD properly.
4. Will the primary liquidity pool be paired with DAI?
Yes, our main liquidity pool will be paired with DAI, as USSD is currently pegged to DAI.
5. If a flaw is discovered in the DEX code and a hacker exploits it, what could potentially occur?
Our team is committed to crafting a resilient smart contract. We've recently completed a second audit with a renowned, albeit anonymous, smart contract firm due to KYC considerations. While more audits are on the horizon, we, like many in the crypto industry, cannot guarantee perpetual immunity from all potential threats.