Dealer: Hand: #291112555901701669: xLays wins pot (0.049)
Dealer: Hand: #291800078794512369: Salvia wins pot (0.2352) with cards Eight, Eight, King, Queen, Six
Dealer: Hand: #292684841499141425: raybucks wins pot (1.79144) with cards Ace, Ace, Queen, Queen, King
Dealer: Hand: #292976904100364586: raybucks wins pot (0.147) with cards Ace, Ace, Three, Three, Queen
wins pot (1.79144) with cards Ace, Ace, Queen, Queen, King
Dealer: Hand: #292976904100364586: raybucks wins pot (0.147) with cards Ace, Ace, Three, Three, Queen
Dealer: Hand: #293582491258216700: xLays wins pot (1.9894) with cards Ace, Ace, Ace, Six, Six
Dealer: Hand: #293853516585167474: xLays wins pot (2.273992) with cards Eight, Eight, Jack, Ten, Six
Dealer: Hand: #294063532441535968: xLays wins pot (1.5974) with cards King, King, Ace, Ten, Five
Dealer: Hand: #311599881232163305: iamwithyou wins pot (1.127)
Dealer: Hand: #311960657206329065: Moonshots101 wins pot (1.9796) with cards King, King, Queen, Queen, Eight
Dealer: Hand: #312214060875347124: Salvia wins pot (3.11301312) with cards Jack, Jack, Five, Five, Five
Dealer: Hand: #312531346968938324: emoneyabc wins pot (3.05) with cards King, King, Ace, Queen, Jack
Dealer: Hand: #312531346968938324: Salvia wins pot (0.14) with cards Queen, Queen, Ace, King, Nine
Dealer: Hand: #313047283440822560: emoneyabc wins pot (0.3136) with cards King, Queen, Seven, Six, Four
Dealer: Hand: #313944930019293089: Salvia wins pot (4.268905716) with cards Seven, Seven, Ace, King, Queen
Dealer: Hand: #314163976411888722: iamwithyou wins pot (6.396656) with cards Ten, Ten, Ten, Two, Two
Dealer: Hand: #314400202977057735: Moonshots101 wins pot (0.4704)
sampson: hello
Salvia: hi
Moonshots101: yow
Dealer: Hand: #314614948387207178: Moonshots101 wins pot (5.0176) with cards Ten, Ten, Eight, Eight, King
Dealer: Hand: #315495420413236971: subr1k wins pot (0.539)
Dealer: Hand: #316577746960090461: Moonshots101 wins pot (4.339255204) with cards Seven, Seven, Five, Five, Queen
Dealer: Hand: #317406204693538480: Moonshots101 wins pot (0.049)
Dealer: Hand: #317638602311166164: iamwithyou wins pot (1.5778) with cards Jack, Jack, Jack, King, Nine
Dealer: Hand: #317840469799820693: Moonshots101 wins pot (0.049)
Dealer: Hand: #318330094183572114: emoneyabc wins pot (0.0784)
Dealer: Hand: #318678262832258763: emoneyabc wins pot (2.515464) with cards Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven, Six
sampson: hello guys
yupyup: hey
sampson: I hope you are enjoying the utopia poker client?
yupyup: I am enjoying the client honestly, and the utopia ecosystem as well
Moonshots101: great!
yupyup: I do have one wish though, we should change the name from cryptons to something more in line with utopia
Dealer: Hand: #319055198451382376: Moonshots101 wins pot (0.1176)
yupyup: like uCoin or something. Cryptons make me feel like im superman
sampson: Moonshots you are high on this game
Dealer: Hand: #320181222895619723: subr1k wins pot (0.2744) with cards Jack, Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven
Dealer: Hand: #320713801695656710: yupyup wins pot (0.049)