Nobody seems to have done anything to neg this person, yet.
This is a warning to others, even if you're dealing with gift cards odesn't mean that you can get away with not using escrow. OP's example is a good one, if you're offering up legit gift cards, and they get redeemed, the process of recovering the gift cards will be long and in the end, the scammer probably has alerady spent your gift cards.
Almost all of the locked threads with only the OP spamming his bumps, are going to be scams. They should all be negged for doing this.
I have seen a few scam threads locked and all I could do was report it to the moderators.
Do the moderators actually do anything ? as they usually ignore reports about scammers.
Moderators don't deal with scam reports. That's up to DT members to give out negative trust to warn people. But deleting scam threads could be possible.