There are approximately 80,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 possible addresses that do NOT start with 1bitco (that's 8 X 1052).
So, for every address that you find that starts with 1bitco, you need to search through on average approximately 666,666,667 addresses.
Able to do the maths for "ojm" ?
how do I use it in my wallet?
Make sure to find one services that allows you to generate split vanity key. If no, the security will be 0 since the server knows your private key.
I'm interested in this too, can you find a website that provides that?
I'm new, I can't tell how secure is which website
Go here:
This guy is offering to make vanity gens by split key generation for free, you only need to provide him the public key and the word you want embedded.
He gave me like 8 addresses for free