doesn't seem to like it (in fact I was made aware of this address pattern when I found out that vanitypool-value was not available anymore).
Thanks for the heads up. Unfortunately, I can't figure out what's going wrong here. Initially, I thought it was just that bkkcoins' vanitycalc module doesn't accept namecoin addresses, but I modified it just now and it still doesn't like 'NPhaux' with addrtype = 52. Since the vanitycalc module is a python wrapper for the difficulty checker in vanitygen, I think this is an issue with vanitygen. Or, NPhaux isn't a valid namecoin prefix (although I don't see why not).
ThePiachu, how are you calculating "complexity?" Did you write some tool of your own to do this? On another note, why oh why do you multiply the value by 2^32 to get "lavishness?" As I tried to plead before, the terms "difficulty" and "value" are perfectly applicable here, and are an established convention in vanitygen. Furthermore, value, as defined in vanitygen, is a meaningful quantity: reward / key. A user can take this number and multiply it by their key/s rate and figure out their expected reward. Multiplying by 2^32 just makes it that much harder for the user. Creating some new, arbitrary units when there are perfectly good ones already is almost a sin in the scientific community. Of course, if you can justify the creation of some new units, fine, but I don't see the justification for these ones.