First, congrats on getting oclvanitygen to run! What GPU are you using? The key rate is probably a lot slower than it could be, but at least the OpenCL compiler isn't crashing.
Regarding the OpenSSL warning, that check is a compile-time one, so switching out the shared library won't stop the warning. This brings up a potential issue: I thought that between OpenSSL 0.9.8 and 1.0.0, a bunch of changes were made that broke binary compatibility. To the effect that attempting to build against the header files for 0.9.8 and link with a 1.0.0 library would cause problems. While it doesn't seem to be crashing for you, it should run at about twice the speed you report. Anyway, when building from source, you want to use the header files for 1.0.0.
What we really need is a set of pre-built binaries for OS X, with the 3rd party dependencies static-linked.
Yeah I just managed to fix it, posting as a reply to you now instead of yet another edit to my original post
It was indeed me just being rusty at writing makefiles. For those who install a newer version of OpenSSL using Macports the Makefile needs to look like this:
LIBS=-L/opt/local/lib -lpcre -lcrypto -lm -lpthread
CFLAGS=-ggdb -O3 -Wall $(INCL)
OBJS=vanitygen.o oclvanitygen.o pattern.o
all: $(PROGS)
vanitygen: vanitygen.o pattern.o
$(CC) $^ -o $@ $(CFLAGS) $(LIBS)
oclvanitygen: oclvanitygen.o pattern.o
$(CC) $^ -o $@ $(CFLAGS) $(LIBS) -framework OpenCL
rm -f $(OBJS) $(PROGS) $(TESTS)
It makes no difference in speed compared to using the right lib and the wrong header files (I think there was a 20% speedup or so between the 0.9.8 and 1.0.0 libs though) - but since I'm on a laptop I have no opinion on what's good or bad.
My MBP is a 2.53GHz C2D with an NVidia GeForce 9400M. This is the output I can get from oclvanitygen by playing around with the parameters and crashing it
Device: GeForce 9400M
Vendor: NVIDIA
Driver: CLH 1.0
Version: OpenCL 1.0
Max compute units: 2
Max workgroup size: 512
Global memory: 268435456
Max allocation: 134217728
Agree about pre-built binaries from a trusted source for those who don't want to spend a few hours going from no build environment to a working one
I like doing it since I was a developer many years ago and want to prove to myself that I haven't forgotten everything. In this case it took way too long to figure out I had put the include path flag at the wrong place ...