I have following question:
If I create a list with around 40 prefixes between 8 and 12 characters and start with -c, my performance drops rapidly. Instead of 2900 Mkey / s I only have about 300 Mkey / s.
[email protected]...:~/VanitySearch$ sudo ./VanitySearch -c -i liste.txt -o output.txt -m 503316480 -t 0 -gpu -gpuId 0,0
VanitySearch v1.19
Search: 23 prefixes (Lookup size 85) [Compressed]
Start Fri Mar 26 18:03:14 2021
Base Key: DEC9F4E734AA0591E9D5434267F37D8D068343482D911D4FFB494094ABCBF29F
Number of CPU thread: 0
GPU: GPU #0 Tesla V100-SXM2-16GB (80x64 cores) Grid(640x128)
GPU: GPU #0 Tesla V100-SXM2-16GB (80x64 cores) Grid(640x128)
[293.54 Mkey/s][GPU 293.54 Mkey/s][Total 2^31.71][Prob 0.0%][50% in 15:18:09][Found 0]
[email protected]....:~/VanitySearch$ sudo ./VanitySearch -c -o output.txt -m 503316480 -t 0 -gpu -gpuId 0,0 1vanitytest
VanitySearch v1.19
Difficulty: 19636918973388416
Search: 1vanitytest [Compressed, Case unsensitive] (Lookup size 6)
Start Fri Mar 26 18:05:36 2021
Base Key: 98CDDF3C76F6143E11A6E9B68E271A6E4939483A43A774827DAEE0301C7DA919
Number of CPU thread: 0
GPU: GPU #0 Tesla V100-SXM2-16GB (80x64 cores) Grid(640x128)
GPU: GPU #0 Tesla V100-SXM2-16GB (80x64 cores) Grid(640x128)
[2516.03 Mkey/s][GPU 2516.03 Mkey/s][Total 2^33.81][Prob 0.0%][50% in 62.6d][Found 0]
Is that normal or do I have to change something? How can I search much as possible prefixes (case unsensitive) without speed dropping?
Yes its normal for multiple queries to decay performance. Want to sell me your sxm2 chips?
This has happened to me on 1gorynych back in the day
16DEAB074A29C5444CE849F2231096FB9B7AF4F9A2903899F2B2B42F34198F82 private key . 046098AF1FA301F60EE17DFA008D91D1541666201416279787FD9FA8120AA68CA5DF0FF9A8279D7
^public key worked ^
and resulted this PubAddress: 1overGriLuHS3s3yEpYZh7MKnZ59kzdAf
PartialPriv: 5J3dksTuquTvgjVtvdnw1vDfW6qhouof5M9uPtC8qHcVQyNMWsK
but when I combine them we get
priv key 5JDhwDBS5ZwLnMiQ3iYtwxkhUwD4rWoAvKTUnZNHeJZDip8rJdM
This is the second time this has happened over the years, does anyone know why?
ive asked in the past but do not recall getting answers
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5112311.440 nvm