inlovewiththedj Here's a better batch file (
update for my post) that will create a total of 10,000 keys for you.
The result will be 10 folders containing 10 output files, 100 keys per output file; it will also create the folders for you, you don't need to create them in advance.
Just edit the first 5 lines depending on your preference:
input: the input file (
eg. '1test.txt' in the same folder as this batch file and vanitysearch with prefix written inside).
output: base name of the output files.
directory: location where you want to put the output folders (
do not add '/' at the end)
foldername: base name of the folder where the output files will be generated.
command: put any argument that you want to use (
do not remove '-stop')
@set input=1test.txt
@set output=result.txt
@set directory=C:\test
@set foldername=output_folder
@set command=vanitysearch -stop
goto base
mkdir %directory%
mkdir %directory%\%folder%
set loop=0
%command% -i %input% -o %directory%\%folder%\1%output%
set /a loop=%loop%+1
if "%loop%"=="100" goto next
goto start
%command% -i %input% -o %directory%\%folder%\2%output%
set /a loop=%loop%+1
if "%loop%"=="200" goto next2
goto next
%command% -i %input% -o %directory%\%folder%\3%output%
set /a loop=%loop%+1
if "%loop%"=="300" goto next3
goto next2
%command% -i %input% -o %directory%\%folder%\4%output%
set /a loop=%loop%+1
if "%loop%"=="400" goto next4
goto next3
%command% -i %input% -o %directory%\%folder%\5%output%
set /a loop=%loop%+1
if "%loop%"=="500" goto next5
goto next4
%command% -i %input% -o %directory%\%folder%\6%output%
set /a loop=%loop%+1
if "%loop%"=="600" goto next6
goto next5
%command% -i %input% -o %directory%\%folder%\7%output%
set /a loop=%loop%+1
if "%loop%"=="700" goto next7
goto next6
%command% -i %input% -o %directory%\%folder%\8%output%
set /a loop=%loop%+1
if "%loop%"=="800" goto next8
goto next7
%command% -i %input% -o %directory%\%folder%\9%output%
set /a loop=%loop%+1
if "%loop%"=="900" goto next9
goto next8
%command% -i %input% -o %directory%\%folder%\10%output%
set /a loop=%loop%+1
if "%loop%"=="1000" goto dirselector
goto next9
if "%folder%"=="%foldername%" goto return
if "%folder%"=="%foldername%1" goto return1
if "%folder%"=="%foldername%2" goto return2
if "%folder%"=="%foldername%3" goto return3
if "%folder%"=="%foldername%4" goto return4
if "%folder%"=="%foldername%5" goto return5
if "%folder%"=="%foldername%6" goto return6
if "%folder%"=="%foldername%7" goto return7
if "%folder%"=="%foldername%8" goto return8
if "%folder%"=="%foldername%9" goto end
@set folder=%foldername%
goto gen
mkdir %directory%\%foldername%1
@set folder=%foldername%1
goto begin
mkdir %directory%\%foldername%2
@set folder=%foldername%2
goto begin
mkdir %directory%\%foldername%3
@set folder=%foldername%3
goto begin
mkdir %directory%\%foldername%4
@set folder=%foldername%4
goto begin
mkdir %directory%\%foldername%5
@set folder=%foldername%5
goto begin
mkdir %directory%\%foldername%6
@set folder=%foldername%6
goto begin
mkdir %directory%\%foldername%7
@set folder=%foldername%7
goto begin
mkdir %directory%\%foldername%8
@set folder=%foldername%8
goto begin
mkdir %directory%\%foldername%9
@set folder=%foldername%9
goto begin
echo end
This batch file when used without editing will create 'test' folder under 'C' with 'output_folder', 'output_folder1', 'output_folder2'...... 'output_folder9' inside;
each folder contains '1result.txt', '2result.txt', '3result.txt'....... '10result.txt' with 100key pairs each.