Yes if you don't use a seed, for very short prefix. But it will still require lot's of power.
Again, I recommend to use a strong password (-s option) to generate safe base key.
And I recommend to the community not to use this, if he doesn't modify it.
The default seed has an entropy of ~48bit (if you manage to guess the date of the address creation), so to guess a key generated by the default seed used by VanitySearch, you need to execute ~2^48 pbkdf2_hmac_sha512 and to run ~2^48 times the search up to the desired prefix. I let you do the calculation of the necessary power to compute an address in a feasible time when you know the day of an address creation
But ok, I will modify the code and add the PID, it will add 16 more bits to the default seed entropy.
There are 2 ways to generate safe addresses:
1) Use a strong seed.
2) Use a split key (-sp) with a public key generated by a third party software (In that case, VanitySearch cannot suffer from any vulnerability)