The vDice platform is proud to make this pre-announcement, launching it’s the newest game shortly. This represents the 1st game on the vDapps platform.
vSlotsThe first game on the vDapps section will be our unique take on a slot machine, implemented entirely with Ethereum Smart Contracts.
This is not the official announcement. This is a preliminary announcement for our fans. We will be making the official announcement shortly, once the game is live.
The code is here. It is currently undergoing review and 3rd party audits. Front-end developers and designers are also in the process of completing the APIs, HTML, CSS and Design.
Unique FeaturesPlayers can interact with the Slot contract in two ways:
● They can send a transaction directly to the smart contract address, triggering the fallback function. The transaction will buy one spin.
● They can send a transaction to the buySpins function. The buySpins accept as argument the number of spins which are to be bough, up to a maximum of 16.
When a player buys a number of spins, an instance of the structure SpinsContainer is created and saved into the contract storage in the mapping spins . The index of the mapping is the myid of the query made to Oraclize.
Solid, secure, code is important. But it means nothing if we cannot hide the abstraction behind a beautiful and intuitive user experience.
We believe the ability to spin in bulk, using only smart contracts and no ‘accounts’ will be a huge leap forward for usability in these type of games.
Release of vSlotsWe are looking to have this wrapped up fully and live by the end of next week. stay tuned.