Unfortunately, you're the ignorant one, and you're letting your pride getting the better of you.
Oh and Chile is not living of copper alone, that's another sign of ignorance. And you even mentioned "south America", so, Brazil and Argentina extract what from the ground again? What about Uruguay, so called "Swiss of the Americas"? I could keep going but very few countries in the world are "dependent" on a single resource as if they had nothing else, such as, maybe the middle east countries surrounded by sand
Copper exports make 50% of Chile exports.
Argentina is experiencing the second inflation in South America and 5th in the world at around 40%.
Uruguay went this decade alone through two crisis and relies on exports of raw material and food also. Manufactured products...not that much.
Swiss of America?
You realize that's insulting to every Swiss person on this planet right?
You are thinking like a socialist.
We will come to this point at the end of the discussion.
But I'm laughing my ass here seeing somebody accusing me of being a socialist.
Oh really? No industry? No tourism? No Agriculture?
Yes, no nothing!
The country has nothing left, no industry, no power, no food no nothing.
Oh wait, my computer is made in Venezuela, my laptop is made in Venezuela, my car is made in Venezuela /sarcasm
You're from Venezuela, right?
If you still have industry and agriculture and tourism why is this inflation going through the roof?
First thing to do is shrink the state, sell those companies and stimulate the economy with lower taxes and other incentives. Just by selling the state companies there is plenty of money to keep things running without getting any more debts.
It was the wrong choice and politicians to neglect other sectors, if the state oil company is sold, you can tax that and everyone else, and no longer would the corrupt politicians be tempted to steal all that income since it won't be in their hands ever again.
Oh, the irony, this is why I told you your ideas are so funny
You are talking exactly like a socialist!!!!
You're going to sell something to pay your debts.
Just like Maduro sold the gold to pay for food for his militia you're going to sell the oil company to have food for a few months...and then?
Norway (which is not socialist btw) has a state-owned oil company.
And they are doing pretty fine with it and have no plans on selling it, why?
Because unlike you people they are used to think two steps ahead and not only with the stomach.
What are you going to do once the money from selling PDSVA will run out?
Oh, you're going to tax the hell out of the ones you sold the company to. Doesn't this sound a bit socialist to you? A bit more?
You're going to nationalize it again as Chavez did?
This is your great plan of getting out of poverty, selling the only clothes you have left and then rob the guy that you sold them to?
This is why I said just sending Maduro to the moon won't solve anything.
You've been living in a socialist state for so long you don't realize that your revolutionary ideas are still socialist.
Unless this goes back to Cryptos and Venezuela I'm no longer replying in this already off-topic thread as this should be done in P&S