I don’t think verifying funding is really the issue to be honest. Are you peeling the collectibles you get to make sure that the private key underneath matches the public key with the funds? If not, you’re still trusting the maker and even if it did, you’re trusting that someone won’t pull a Yogg and empty everything. The bottom line is that no matter how cautious you are, if you buy a loaded collectible from someone, they can rug you. All you can do is try to base your trust decisions on the best available information and in the case of Yogg, people need to have higher standards for who they trust.
Well that's probably why you load your coins with fake 'seats' from your own ponzi scam, right? This post is so fuckin ironic, I get a belly laugh...
As for yogg - what 'higher standards' do you mean/imply? His rep was still better than yours, and his project was way better than yours too (So both were/are ponzis either way).
Now go shitpost for stake elsewhere, nobody here values your opinion anymore, they are just too pussy unlike me to say so...
I've never rugged anyone (I have an offer to buy every NastyFans seat issued), nor do I run a ponzi (I donate all profits from coins and revenue from mining to a community organization and am currently the 3rd most trusted user on this site), and the seats that nonnakip issued for NastyFans are very much real (they will likely outlive you, like they already have a majority of those who have called it a scam over the last decade+). Maybe this poor ability to judge makers is why you just lost your BTC savings to Yogg's scam that you were promoting to others here? Do you take any responsibility for your role in that scam or even feel bad for the role you played? Of course not, you want other people to donate to help you recover some money for your poor personal decisions. This pattern of you blaming others for your decisions and expecting others to compensate you for them is concerning.
I don't think people here are pussies. I think they have respect for those that came before them and did great work to innovate and grow this community. You on the other hand promote scams, spread FUD about honest projects that existed before you knew what Bitcoin was, and continue to try to damage the reputations of honest people who work hard to help users here.
If people choose to ignore my opinion, that's their loss. Not everyone has access to someone with my level of experience in this field.
+ $4