'Flower Technology products’ newly announced capability to mine Scrypt-N coins is revolutionary, though you may not have yet realized why. Scrypt-N coins, such as Vertcoin, were developed to counter the imminent influx of efficient ASICs miners to the Scrypt-based cryptocurrency market. Scrypt-N is a different algorithm than Scrypt, but our engineers have brilliantly tweaked our product to be able to mine either variety of coin. We are now able to offer our customers financial mitigation against the forthcoming flood of Scrypt-based coins to the market by offering the world’s first and only Scrypt-N ASIC miner, securing your Scrypt-N investment up to a difficulty of N=16384'
Time for Vert to change algo?
That's just either a lie, or something with significant performance compromise (like 10x-20x lower n-factor 11 performance per watt/dollar compared to n-factor 10, maybe 100x slower for n=12, 1000x slower for n=13). Notice they don't even report a hashrate for it. In essence that ASIC will end up being more expensive per hashrate than a GPU for n=11.
When making a Scrypt ASIC, they need to fix it for a specific n, r and p factors to get optimial results. Scrypt-n changes n, which handles the memory requirement, memory which is hardwired in an ASIC to Scrypt specifications. As the n-factor goes higher, the memory requirement also goes higher, and there goes the cost of building an ASIC. The ASIC price rises exponentially to keep its relative edge over GPUs.
Changing the PoW function is not a trivial thing to do, there's no need to react to imaginary threats.
ASIC Resistance is a comparative measurement, means how difficult and expensive it is for the algorithm to be implemented in ASIC, and both Scrypt-n and Scrypt-jane (among a few others) are far more ASIC resistant than X11. I like that VTC dropped the "ASIC Resistant" for "Beats ASIC".