I interpreted this way as well. It's good you did not mean that. However, why, then, should this be a deadline to look forward to? It is very arbitrary in the grand scheme of things. There are other ASIC manufacturers, for example, why not pick their release date? Why not Halloween? Why not the next coming of Christ?
Just because it may appear that 2/3 of people in the FORUM are not happy with coming ASICs does not mean 2/3 of all Litecoin users feel this way. You can not extrapolate to the entire population with such a small sample size. I think it would be foolish to place strain on our own community (hard fork) based on the assumption that these users will switch over. Our coin speaks for itself - people will come over or they won't.
As i said before: this is a unique chance to be different from the other (failed, at least on asic resistance) coins. Vertcoin will have to do things different, and let people know they do things different.
More frequent forks, maybe. But not unnecessary ones. What's the point? You are wanting to inconvenience thousands of people for no reason. Being different to improve the coin is good; being different just to do random shit is stupid.