I really hope people with high hashrate willing to drop their hashrate till the diff adjusted .... so it won't go too high for small miners like me
I don't have a massive hashrate, but unless the price jumps from where it's at now, i would probably stop mining for a while... it won't be as profitable as other coins for me if the diff ends up at 10-12 and the price stays where it is now on CoinedUP. But i would jump back in at a diff lowering or price jump to make it at least comparable to other coins.
I made same mistake when diff jumped from 2 to 5
now I regret it.. I would have had more coins minted on diff 5..
Well, I don't agree with this. You have to look at profitablity.
Hypothetically, let's say doing a multipool thing I can net .1 BTC a day on average. This would be mining the DOGE's of the world. Ok.
So, if there's a coin I think has promise, i'll throw a % of my mining on it for speculation.
With VTC, it has been the best of both worlds so far. The profitability has exceeded what I could have made mining elsewhere. So I mine some, sell a portion, rinse and repeat as long as it holds where it is. It's been far more profitable to mine this coin for the most part than any other coin (with the exception of power-mining MOON when the diff dropped way down the past few days).
If, when the diff changes and the price stays where it's at now (i'm not saying it will), it will dramatically reduce the profitability for mining. When it switched from 2ish to 5ish, my coins a day dropped by about 60ish%. I imagine it will do the same on the upcoming diff change.
Let's say the price sticks where it is now. If my coin count drops another 60% it would drop the profitability from something like 80% more profitable to 30-40% less profitable than mining any other coin. (these are all off the top of my head calculations!)
So it would be foolish for me to stick with mining this if the price hovers here, it would be more effective to move on to other coins and if i really believe in the future of VTC, use the money I make mining other coins to buy the same amount I would mine in a single day and still have like 30% profit.
Just saying if you aren't paying attention to profitabilty it might be a mistake.
I totally know what are you talking about, that is why I also stopped minting for a while when diff changed from 2 to 5, but point is,
that maybe few minutes or hours, just after diff up it was more profitable to mine doge for example, then sell it to btc, then buy vtc and you are better of than direct mining.. sure.. but another thing is, that if you can not sit behind your computer all day and every 10 minutes check price, then you can end up with less
What happened was, that price quite quickly matched increased diffictulty and if you dont sell all your alts you have benn mining instead of vert and dont buy vert for thet, then you can end up with alts and not vert and looking on already high price of vert and amount you can buy now for your alts wont be that much as if you were mining it since increased diffictulty..
anyway, diff now increased only to 8, which I think is great
big hashers turned it off for a while and party goes on on lower diff with nice price.. wow..