
Topic: Vertcoin Settings/Configs (How To Mine VertCoin) - page 7. (Read 81781 times)

full member
Activity: 227
Merit: 260

When you are setting you vertminer values via terminal/cmd or config file they aren't always used!!! To be sure what threads-concurrency, worksize and lookup-gap you are using check generated .bin files. And remove them before testing new settings.
For example:
file: scrypt140121Pitcairnglg2tc14144w256l8.bin
GPU: Pitcairn
threads-concurrency: 14144
worksize: 256
lookup-gap: 2
Activity: 80
Merit: 10
Im getting a error that I can´t find the source of. Maybe someone here have a idea.
Ill try to mine VTC with a MSI 7950.

When I start the modified cgminer,
It means:

Error -4: Enqueueing kernel onto command queue.
GPU 0 failure, disabling!

When I connect directly over the cgminer.exe it shows some unreal hashrates of 500 mhash and still no accepted shares.
Activity: 84
Merit: 10
For some reason I'm getting better results with
Weird, but I can still only get like 180 max out of my 270's... I've got 8gb in the system.
full member
Activity: 124
Merit: 100
Tried similar settings, and from the other How to Mine Vertcoin thread... with my 7970/280x i still get HW errors. On an i7 3770k desktop with 8gigs of ram, I cant get above i=12... very strange.
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
help the thread! post your settings below Cheesy
Activity: 14
Merit: 0 (official website) (main thread)

So I feel the need to post this to help any newcomers, after having the worst experience trying to make vertcoin work correctly and getting an optimal amount of Kh/s.

Vertcoin uses a new algorithm: Scrypt-Adaptive-Nfactor (Not scrypt-jane) which results in about half your normal hashrate, and requires different miner settings and a modded miner(vertminer).


Here is a list of things you will need!

1) First things first you need to get the Vertcoin wallet of course!

2) Second download VERTMINER-0.5.3 (it is currently not updated with the main website). If you want the latest versions of the miner you have to keep up with the main Vertcoin thread which is quoted below since they don't update the website with the latest version right away! This miner wont give you hardware errors (HW) like the other older versions.

finally here it is

vertminer-0.5.3 released

windows build:
github source:

release notes:
Version 0.5.3 - 2 February 2014
- changed automatic TC calculation (again but still not finished / perfect...)
- increased max intensity to 21
- shaders are now used for intensity calculation
  --> option shaders is set: intensity calculation tries to align to shaders count (can increase performance but also decrease with low intensity)
  --> shaders NOT set: old cgminer intensity calculation is used
- opencl changed to keep speed with adaptive nfactor
- introduced first time dependent nfactor changes in code (not finally done yet)
- fix for ADL with R9 cards

Important: the automatic TC calculation is only performed if you do not set TC manually and this is only an estimation what could be the best.
Manual tuning TC is in most cases the best you can do.

3) Thirdly you will need a GPU (of course), as well as A MINIMUM OF 4GB OF RAM(this is not optional!!!). This is where I had all my problems before. I was running this miner with only 2gb of ram in my system. If you do that you will get tons of Hardware Errors(HW)/Rejected shares, and you wont be able to go above Intensity level of "-I 12". As well as you cant have a Thread Concurrency(TC) that exceeds 6,000. I was only getting a total of 200 Kh/s on my XFX r9 280x. NOW IM GETTINGS 340 KH/s ONCE I PLUGGED IN 8GB INTO MY RIG. SO RAM IS DEFINITELY IMPORTANT. NO ONES SETTINGS WILL WORK FOR YOU IF YOU DO NOT HAVE THIS.

4) Lastly you will need to signup for a pool of your choosing which can be found here:


So once you extract the vertminer you then have to go and tweak your settings to best fit your setup. Vertminer gives you both a .bat file and a.conf file EITHER are fine to run the program. I personally use the .bat file to run the miner. To edit either of the files just right click "edit".

Here are my settings for the .bat file. Averaging 340Kh/s on my XFX R9 280x! NO HW(HARDWARE ERRORS)


vertminer.exe --scrypt-vert -o stratum+tcp:// -u xxxx -p xxxxxx -v 1 -w 256 -I 13 -g 2 --lookup-gap 2 --gpu-powertune -20,-20 --temp-overheat 85 --temp-cutoff 90 --gpu-memclock 1500,1500 --gpu-engine 1000,1000 --thread-concurrency 8193

Please post your settings below and any tips to help new comers! Thanks Smiley

Vertcoin all the way!

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