I tried a few, and they didn't seem to work well.
P2Pool Node Scanner http://scanner.vtconline.org
It is recommended that you mine on P2Pool as it helps to decentralise the network, there are often no fees and no account is required.
Dev-run p2pool node http://pool.vtconline.org
Give Me Coins http://give-me-coins.com/vertcoin-pool
Mining Pool Hub https://vertcoin.miningpoolhub.com/
Coinotron https://www.coinotron.com/app?action=ChartNoLogon&span=0&type=C&name=VTC
List of p2pool nodes https://bitmakler.net/mining_VertCoin-VTC__pools
Always Hashing p2pool http://vtc.alwayshashing.com:9171/static/
ZPool https://www.zpool.ca
FROM -> https://vtconline.org/
"https://vertcoin.miningpoolhub.com/" Would randomly sink my balance to 0. Sketchy stuff.
http://pool.vtconline.org seems good