Contract Address: 0x9363E6eaDF5e307b96f26DFd94F355b95A0e2498
Token Name: Vestoria
Token Symbol: VSTR
Total Supply: 10,000,000,000 VSTR
Decimal: 8
Check it here: invest = 0.01 ETH
Softcap: 100 ETH
Hardcap: 300 ETHBONUS
%40 Bonus = for a minimum of 0.1 ETH
%100 Bonus = for a minimum of 1 ETHROUNDS
Round 1 => From 29/08/2018 - 10/09/2018 | 1 ETH = 15,000,000 VSTR
Round 2 => From 11/09/2018 - 20/09/2018 | 1 ETH = 10,000,000 VSTRVSTR tokens have been sold out in a matter of days . Now we are trading in various exchanges such as;
MERCATOXVSTR/ETH = = =!/trade/0x9363e6eadf5e307b96f26dfd94f355b95a0e2498-ETH
ECEX EXCHANGEVSTR/ETH = = = Token Blockchain Based Gaming is the Future A Blockchain Based Play-to-Earn Video Game Ecosystem
A fair and decentralized blockchain based video-game ecosystem that
implements the first Competitive-Proof-of-Stake consensus model. The
Vestoria Ecosystem is a self-sustaining digital world, wIth the ideals of equal
opportunity and the fair distribution of wealth. CPOS makes it possible to
reward skilled gamers, and average users in a economically sustainable infiniteloop,
thereby creating a world of play-driven harmony.
Vestoria Token is an ERC20 compliant digital token distributed through the Ethereum network and will be tradeable in various cryptocurrency exchanges globally.
ProjectVestoria is the first blockchain to utilize the microcosm of video games to implement a fair and selfsustainable
economic system, with a safe and valuable digital asset exchange. Video games, like most
forms of art, emulate life, but unlike a painting on the wall, a video game captures all the senses, and
like the real world, video games can create an all-encompassing experience - an alternate life that
serves as both a testing ground and a highly imaginative form of existence.
Official website:
https://vestoria.orgWhite Paper:
[email protected]