www.VirtualPub.io is a bitcoin game where you can earn lots of bitcoin by running a bar!
10% referral commission (Paid on withdraws), 100s of players and much more!
This is great.
I remember the days of mybitmine.co, where I used to play the game everyday. Not for the profit but I just liked the idea of a faucet based game where you have the chance to invest in something and earn more.
Hopefully your site will survive in the long run.
BTW why do you need to ask the admin to change your Password? that doesn't sound logical...
Regarding password thing. Not sure, lol. I took over this website some days ago and I'll be adding more stuff, after I'm done coding a different site I'm working on currently. I'll be adding reset password feature.
Will You add next Inventions? Next science tabs? New ways of ShopPoints acquiring? Full system of seats hiring? Additional Bartenders with unique skills? Will You fix free bartender available in shop (he should to work 7d without hiring).
It was many ideas and dream about VirtualPub. Now, this wonderfull expandable game is in half her way.
MellowAds#5 lead still to klondikeunderground.xyz instead virtualpub.io - should be it?