You or your fraud-buddy posted that.. i can tell *easily*
I have been watching you for ages and i know your game well.
i dealt with many before you came along here during the January / February hype pump ETH scam antics.
When you showed up here to spam this forum with nothing but ETH topics and comments.
Buddy, this forum does not like me or my comments or my POLLS.
But when i made one asking the community if you were a fraud it was unanimous.. they all agreed. 100%
You spew retard deceitful predatory dishonest bullshit galore then play dumb over & over.
And you yourself has been more guilty than anyone on the entire board for TROLLING.
Your post history is littered with this behavior.. not like you can even *try* and deny it.
Remember when you said "
Microsoft is USING Ethereum" ?
Remember when you said "
IBM is USING Ethereum" ?
Remember when you said "
Big banks are buying shitloads of Ethereum" ?
Remember when you said "
Ethereum will be $100 in 12 months" right after the DAO incident ?
Should i go on with the Fraudcache hits ?
So uhhh guys.. when was the last time you heard Microsoft + IBM + Ethereum ?
..or "Azure ?
it's been many months now hasn't ?
WHO was sayin' it ?
Hmmmm i wonder .. it's a mystery huh ?
Spew sooooooo much lies then hide for a bit then pretend you didn't spam the fuck out of the whole scene ?
Yup.. it's called Ethereum
Featured News story at Coindesk LOL
ICO launched in 2014 and i created a SCAM topic on it.
Tacked on mining later ? YES !
Why later ? hmmmm
Hmm i wonder if people would buy a shitty pointless coin with no features and nothing but a road-map ?
Probably not.. which makes a great opportunity for the dev & friends to buy a massive fuck load of ICO scam coins.
We know this because they did !
It was posted on my SCAM topic on ETH in 2014 when the ETH guys were 99% caught red-handed buying all their own coins in massive blocks of 100 BTC non fucking stop.. while Coindesk for some inexplicable reason kept hammering the news site with massive hardcore advertisement "news stories"
DAO was a setup ? many have speculated the plan all along was to attack it and blame a hacker.
i wouldn't doubt it..
So coins bought on minute 1 on launch day ?
I don't suppose that is where Butters got his coins he admitted to dumping for a million dollars ?
And why did he NEED a millions dollars in FIAT ?
Who keeps talking about the code being written ? It better be Butters if he is paid a million in cash for his "work"
Jealous ? = LOL
I don't fucking think so.. i don't get jealous over participating in "ICO" scams.
And comparing it to Bitcoin ? retarded.
I think it was Roach who had posted a dozen times why ETH "Fuel tokens" can never be a real currency.
They were never designed to be a currency that can rival Bitcoin.
So the notion you can loiter around comparing them to BTC and claiming it will replace Bitcoin one day is silly.
And dumb and / or deceitful.
It simply can't.. it's not an opinion it's simply mechanics.
Not only that but ETH's very own supporters posted on this forum a million times ETH IS NOT A CURRENCY in some type of defense retort.
Jealous ?
Of what partaking in the hype and spam and pump that lured in shitloads of greedy victims ?
The ones that put that million dollars in Butters pocket ?
Where did that million in FIAT come from ? Ask the bag holders sitting on ETH right now
Ethereum has been a record breaking vulgar display of scammy manipulative shenanigans the likes Crypto had never seen before.
From end to end in every aspect this shitty ass ICO "scheme" coin this scam went big.
Biggest hype campaign.. biggest pump.. biggest spam.. most manipulated market cap etc etc..
Over what ?
Scroll up and see one of these guys hinting at it..
he said..
every day that i open altcoin board i see another drama with ethereum, it is either being pumped and dumped or it is being forked. nothing else except these two (technically 3) things happen with this coin.
EXACTLY ..because there IS nothing else to talk about. the APP's (smart contract) gimmick failed.
All these scammy assholes do is swing from one marketing campaign agenda to another..
In 2014 they started with nothing but "Turing complete" babble.. later it was IBM then Microsoft.
Bouncing from "App's" to "Dapp's" to "smart contracts" or what ever techno-fintech faggotry they can cook up.. to SELL YOU MORE ICO "fuel tokens" to sit on and bag hold while the dev and friend keep dumping for MORE FIAT cash money (Real Money) $$$ they admitted.
Jealous ?
Uhhhmm no Fraudboy i am amused.. you are a clown and i never bought any ETH ICO "APP's" scam coin tokens so i am the one laughing bud
What are you going to do about it ? make fun of my hair cut ?
Keep buying your mETH ICO Fuel-tokens Investards !
PS:Go to Polonibox and look at the history.. search for "Ethereum / ETH + IBM or Microsoft"
Then laugh as the mods there let them spam on on like crazy and banned people who disputed any of it.
You will see a small taste of the colossal scale of spam bullshit they poured on all over.