It's quite tragic and distressing that nothing is done to protect great members such as yourself from falling victim to disturbed degenerates like this moron. He is clearly malicious and highly unstable. Lying, slandering, and even threatening members and the BCT forum itself is in no way justifiable or beneficial to this forum whatsoever. There's absolutely no legitimate reason to support this flaming troll's behavior, even under the guise of protecting people's right to freedom of speech/expression, as he is in clear violation of said right as well.
It's unfortunate there wasn't more support to rid BCT of this idiot in the thread Enough is enough!, although I'm certain many people remained silent having a real fear of retaliation (like you, the joint, especially received) for standing up to this abusive maggot. We can only hope that the admins come to the realization that this cancerous tumor is best removed from this forum rather sooner than later.