No I don't, please explain it, so I know what sort of license terms I'm getting if I buy one of these. Better yet, post a copy of the license terms or an explanation of those terms from Microsoft as I did (for the other type?).
You will be getting retailed based keys just as if you are buying from best buy or target etc...
Please post a copy of your MSDN license terms that says that, or some sort of reference to it on Microsoft web site, because it isn't something I'm familiar with at all.
Well obviously I am not supposed to be selling them but I am. I am breaking their terms but I was just clarifying that Vod was making false accusations saying that it was a hacked msdn.
Its clear that sales of the keys are against their rules. People still sell it.
If Microsoft detects a lot of "unusual" behavior or "questionable" activities, they might decide to investigate. If the seller is caught, the seller's account will be canceled and the keys will be invalidated/blocked.
Hence, before you decide to sell/purchase a license key generated from a MSDN/Technet Subscription, be sure to think twice or thrice before taking that decision. It's a risk that you have to decide for yourself.
This sounds like what you are supposed to be doing:
Because your not, your violating the MSDN subscription terms of service... I believe these licenses will be blacklisted when/if Microsoft finds out.
and I would expect Vod may likely inform them...
You've also admitted in the post above that your not supposed to be selling them. For all of the above, I'm inclined to leave feedback to ensure others do not get dropped in the gutter when these licenses stop working.
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