Exactly right, but why should somebody be able to make certain plants illegal in the first place? There are people with asthma who can die from pollen, so should plants that promote asthma be illegal? Who are these people who try to control whether a person can even grow certain plants?
I find your logic flawed.
Plants that produce pollen and triggers asthma to some people is not connected with the topic regarding drugs and growing plants that produce this. Here's the definition for allergy:
Allergies, also known as allergic diseases, are a number of conditions caused by hypersensitivity of the immune system to something in the environment that usually causes little or no problem in most people. These diseases include hay fever, food allergies, atopic dermatitis, allergic asthma, and anaphylaxis.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AllergyLike people who are allergy to chicken also doesn't mean that it is bad rather it has an adverse effect to some people due to the inborn hypersensitivity to this king of things. It is not on the pollen or the chicken that the fault is on and not on that particular people also but more like natural that influences them to be allergic in these certain things.
On the other hand, drugs are defined:
A drug is any substance (other than food that provides nutritional support) that, when inhaled, injected, smoked, consumed, absorbed via a patch on the skin, or dissolved under the tongue causes a physiological change in the body.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DrugThere are drugs used for medical purposes which can be categorized as either over-the-counter or prescription. Some drugs who have strong content though recognized as to be used effectively to treat some sickness should be used in moderation but also prone to abuse that will lead to endanger someone's life.
Though there are drugs considered as illegal or dangerous. Some of these can be used medically like Marijuana but the danger is much greater than its treatment so medical experts are thinking twice to consider this since it is risky to handle it with its side effects. The fact is these drugs are nothing but an addiction which will not help you in anyway that's why I can't understand these people as to why they have initially think to take this drugs which doesn't bring an actual benefit to them.
To protect its citizens from these foreboding drugs that will harm them (the users and people surrounding them). It is the duty of the government to maintain order, safety and security but since these drugs are threat to this then the government should do everything in its power to extinguish this.
Whether some citizens would not agree, they will still do this since it is their responsibility like parents who needs to restrict there child to the dangers which either the child knows the danger or not, whether he like or not. The point is it is for the sake of everyone.
I don't really get it. Like smoking who have nothing but to damage your health but the government has allowed this to satisfy their addiction since it doesn't have that very strong effects with some moderation. Like illegal drugs, it has nothing that truly benefits us a side the feeling that I don't actually know since I'm not into with these kind of things.