
Topic: [Voting 2021] Bitcointalk Community Awards 🏆 - page 14. (Read 15755 times)

Activity: 123
Merit: 49
Sig/Bounty Campaign Manager 4 hire AskGamblers COO
  • Hero of Good : Theymos, Satoshi
  • Bitcointalk Ninja : DdmrDdmr, TryNinja
  • Bitcoin Geek : Ratimov
  • Event of the Year : Bitcointalk YouTube channel
  • Fail of the Year : Pending
  • Discovery of the Year : Pending
  • Best SpamBuster : actmyname
  • Best ScamBuster : YOSHIE, Ratimov
  • Craft Master : Maus0728,  Hhampuz
  • Miss Bitcointalk : SatoPrinces
  • Best Moderator : Cyrus
Activity: 3808
Merit: 4603
Contact @yahoo62278 on telegram for marketing

Is this valid?
Valid in my PoV

11. Antihero: yahoo62278,,...
11. Antihero: yahoo62278
I thuoght this is for members who are a bit controversial, it turns out that you here have crowned yourself. Still in confusion  Huh

Btw, didn't expect I have a secret fan in this forum. Came vote just for me.

I  was just goofing off with my 1st submission, changed it up and put my actual submission and quoted the fake 1 to keep it seen.
hero member
Activity: 1778
Merit: 709
[Nope]No hype delivers more than hope

Is this valid?
Valid in my PoV

11. Antihero: yahoo62278,,...
11. Antihero: yahoo62278
I thuoght this is for members who are a bit controversial, it turns out that you here have crowned yourself. Still in confusion  Huh

Btw, didn't expect I have a secret fan in this forum. Came vote just for me.
full member
Activity: 407
Merit: 136
My Vote  Smiley [...]
Guys, your votes will not be counted. Please make sure you read the contest rules!

I don't care about the Prize,it's only my voice and Nothing more. But if this becomes a problem, then I'm happy to withdraw my vote. That is all and thank you Smiley
Activity: 3808
Merit: 4603
Contact @yahoo62278 on telegram for marketing
1. Absolute Hero of Good: yahoo62278
2. Golden Feather: yahoo62278
3. Bitcointalk Ninja: yahoo62278
4. Bitcoin Geek: yahoo62278
5. Event of the Year:
6. Fail of the Year: bitcointalk charity
7. Discovery of the Year: bitcointalk charity
8. Best SpamBuster: yahoo62278
9. Best ScamBuster: yahoo62278
10. Craft Master: yahoo62278
11. Antihero: yahoo62278
12. Miss Bitcointalk: not yahoo62278
13. Best Moderator: not yahoo62278

Is this valid?

1. Absolute Hero of Good: Actmyname
2. Golden Feather:
3. Bitcointalk Ninja: LoyceV suchmoon
4. Bitcoin Geek:
5. Event of the Year:
6. Fail of the Year: bitcointalk charity  i_am_viral
7. Discovery of the Year:
8. Best SpamBuster: TheBeardedBaby Actmyname
9. Best ScamBuster:
10. Craft Master: Jayce
11. Antihero: suchmoon The Pharmacist
12. Miss Bitcointalk: SmokerFace
13. Best Moderator: Welsh

Activity: 2464
Merit: 3878
Hire Bitcointalk Camp. Manager @
1. Absolute Hero of Good: The Pharmacist
2. Golden Feather: satoshi
3. Bitcointalk Ninja: TryNinja, LoyceV, DdmrDdmr
4. Bitcoin Geek: achow101, mocacinno, pooya87
5. Event of the Year: El Salvador and Bitcoin
6. Fail of the Year: nutildah
7. Discovery of the Year: RickDeckard
8. Best SpamBuster: actmyname, TheBeardedBaby
9. Best ScamBuster: lovesmayfamilis
10. Craft Master: Ratimov
11. Antihero: I am missing CH and co :-P
12. Miss Bitcointalk: Foxpup (I have no idea about the sex you have but in my imagination I always think it's a SHE :-) )
13. Best Moderator: hilariousandco

/My final submission. Date: 30/01/2022
hero member
Activity: 1834
Merit: 879 ⚔️Crypto Futures
1. Absolute Hero of Good: Satoshi,, Cyrus
 2. Golden Feather: theymos, DdmrDdmr, us all everyone Smiley
 3. Bitcointalk Ninja: LoyceV
 4. Bitcoin Geek: mocacinno, LoyceV, fillippone
 5. Event of the Year: 10th anniversary art contest
 6. Fail of the Year: Ethereum forks and gas fees fail to drop
 7. Discovery of the Year: Merit introduction
 8. Best SpamBuster:
 9. Best ScamBuster: nutildah, Timelord2067 ,
10. Craft Master: Jayce, Hhampuz , LoyceV
11. Antihero: lauda
12. Miss Bitcointalk: Foxpup,suchmoon,
13. Best Moderator: hilariousandco
hero member
Activity: 2268
Merit: 588
You own the pen
I'll just keep it short, these guys have been here to make this forum lively and fun. they deserve to get some awards for their hard work.

 1. Absolute Hero of Good: Cyrus, LFC_Bitcoin, pooya87
 2. Golden Feather: DdmrDdmr, theymos
 3. Bitcointalk Ninja: LoyceV, cryptoaddictchie
 4. Bitcoin Geek: dkbit98, Lucius
 5. Event of the Year:
 6. Fail of the Year: NFT game (Cryptoblade)
 7. Discovery of the Year:
 8. Best SpamBuster: Ratimov
 9. Best ScamBuster: nutildah, Rikafip, JollyGood
10. Craft Master: Hhampuz
11. Antihero:
12. Miss Bitcointalk: Foxpup
13. Best Moderator: Welsh, hilariousandco
hero member
Activity: 2086
Merit: 553
Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
Let me drop my vote  Smiley

1. Absolute Hero of Good: Cyrus, theymos
2. Golden Feather: LoyceV, Cryptoprenuerbrainboss, DdmrDdmr
3. Bitcointalk Ninja: TryNinja, ibminer, LFC_Bitcoin
4. Bitcoin Geek: LoyceV, pooya87, o_e_l_e_o, JayJuanGee
5. Event of the Year: BTC as a legal tender in El Salvador
6. Fail of the Year: Tesla pranks everyone (discontinue BTC for their product payment)
7. Discovery of the Year: EZ0010
8. Best SpamBuster: Ratimov, TheBeardedBaby, GazetaBitcoin, actmyname, examplens
9. Best ScamBuster: lovesmayfamilis, suchmoon, YOSHIE, JollyGood
10. Craft Master: Hhampuz, Jayce, Maus0728
11. Antihero: franky1
12. Miss Bitcointalk: suchmoon, sheenshane
13. Best Moderator: Welsh, hilariousandco, mole0815, EFS
Activity: 1456
Merit: 5874
light_warrior ... 🕯️

We are glad to announce that a new sponsor has joined this event, and we are very pleased that ChipMixer still supports and appreciates public initiatives!

Thus, the total prize fund has expanded to 100 mBTC! Moreover, ChipMixer expressed a desire to reward ordinary users, those whose names will not appear in any of the nominations, therefore, 10 vouchers of 2 mBTC each will be raffled among all voters!

best regards
Mr. X  Wink
Activity: 1778
Merit: 1474
🔃EN>>AR Translator🔃
Note: I will edit this post before the end time.

 1. Absolute Hero of Good: Satoshi Cheesy
 2. Golden Feather: Ratimov  Wink mocaccino  Grin
 3. Bitcointalk Ninja: TryNinja Cool LoyceV Cool DdmrDdmr Cool
 4. Bitcoin Geek: Gmaxwell  Smiley
 5. Event of the Year:
 6. Fail of the Year: Charity program  Embarrassed nullius  Undecided
 7. Discovery of the Year:
 8. Best SpamBuster:
 9. Best ScamBuster:
10. Craft Master: Hhampuz  Roll Eyes
11. Antihero:
12. Miss Bitcointalk: Suchmoon Kiss Lauda Kiss
13. Best Moderator: Omega Wink hilariousandco  Cheesy
full member
Activity: 1134
Merit: 167
1. Absolute Hero of Good: theymos, and LoyceV while Satoshi I thank him for his blessing even though his existence is not real until now
2. Golden Feather: Ratimov, and o_e_l_e_o
3. Bitcointalk Ninja: TryNinja
4. Bitcoin Geek: DdmrDdmr
5. Event of the Year: BitcoinTalkShow
6. Fail of the Year: bitcoin price close to 30K$
7. Discovery of the: NFT projects are full of spam photos
8. Best SpamBuster: Ratimov
9. Best ScamBuster: Nutildah
10. Craft Master: Hhampuz
11. Antihero: yahoo62278,, and Hhampuz
12. Miss Bitcointalk: pending....
13. Best Moderator: Welsh
Activity: 1064
Merit: 1228
Playgram - The Telegram Casino
Guys, your votes will not be counted. Please make sure you read the contest rules!
I'll probably comment a bit here about the OP's limitations. is a community based forum that any user can register for free in any country. People use these forums based on their interests and can rate each user around them in various ways. They should have earned the right to vote out of respect for the forum contributors all along, right?

If they don't get 50 merit, maybe OP should also count them as valid votes because maybe they also have a clean heart to show respect to the users of this forum as I'm sure no spammer or cheater would dare to enter the meta for merit purposes.
hero member
Activity: 1162
Merit: 643
BTC, a coin of today and tomorrow.
1. Absolute Hero of Good: Satoshi(for creating bitcoin),LoyceV(Many good topics in Meta and he is everywhere in the forum)
2. Golden Feather: Ratimov ( because of Beginners and Help Encyclopedia)
3. Bitcointalk Ninja: DdmrDdmr(everywhere in the forum and give fair merits)
4. Bitcoin Geek: o_e_l_e_o(he answers questions in technical board)
5. Event of the Year: BtcTalkShow
6. Fail of the Year: Nigerian Local Board(I decided to design a signature and wear it on behalf of Nigeria and Africa)
7. Discovery of the Year: EZ0010(an honest newbie)
8. Best SpamBuster: - Ratimov
9. Best ScamBuster: JollyGood(I saw that he tagged everyone promoting scam projects e.g 1xbit)
10. Craft Master: Cryptoprenuerbrainboss(Good campaign manager)
11. Antihero:Anyone claiming to be Satoshi
12. Miss Bitcointalk: SatoPrincess(new but active and popular)
13. Best Moderator: Welsh (Moderator that answers questions)
Activity: 1680
Merit: 6524
Fully-fledged Merit Cycler|Spambuster'23|Pie Baker
Are you aware of something we aren't?
As far as I understand, we are talking about his soulmate, Mrs LoyceV  Cheesy

I don't know what to say about our Supreme Leader of thick-skinned gang, but I know that icopress is also known as Juliya_D in some circles, so nothing would be out of the ordinary

Maybe wtsimis thinks he knows LoyceV at a more intimate level and that he is a chick, but I can tell him that nobody knows him better (at intimate level, of course), than the ones from Merit Cycling Club  Roll Eyes And so far, he did not present any feminine parts  Grin
Activity: 2086
Merit: 1282
Logo Designer ⛨ BSFL Division1
  1. Absolute Hero of Good: theymos
  2. Golden Feather: theymos
  3. Bitcointalk Ninja: LFC_Bitcoin
  4. Bitcoin Geek: philipma1957, DdmrDdmr
  5. Event of the Year: El Salvador making Bitcoin a legal tender
  6. Fail of the Year: cabalism13 charity
  7. Discovery of the Year: free bet competitions, RickDeckard.
  8. Best SpamBuster: GazetaBitcoin
  9. Best ScamBuster: RickDeckard
10. Craft Master: Hhampuz best manager in bitcointalk.
11. Antihero: 1xbit and all accounts they hired.
12. Miss Bitcointalk: sensualbellax
13. Best Moderator: Cyrus, Welsh
Activity: 1456
Merit: 5874
light_warrior ... 🕯️
As far as I understand, we are talking about his soulmate, Mrs LoyceV  Cheesy
Activity: 1512
Merit: 7340
Farewell, Leo
12. Miss Bitcointalk: LoyceV

Are you aware of something we aren't?
Activity: 1680
Merit: 6524
Fully-fledged Merit Cycler|Spambuster'23|Pie Baker
My Vote  Smiley [...]
Here is  mine[right[/right]    Smiley [...]

Guys, your votes will not be counted. Please make sure you read the contest rules!

  • You must have 50 merit or be a full member or higher to vote ➥ Note.
Activity: 1554
Merit: 1139
1. Absolute Hero of Good: LoyceV
2. Golden Feather: The Pharmacist
3. Bitcointalk Ninja: TryNinja
4. Bitcoin Geek: DdmrDdmr
5. Event of the Year: The death of Becky666, I still remember it like it was yesterday. As I 2ae one of those that served as an escrow for the user who so much loved the wife to have owned a user in her name. May his soul continue to rest on.
6. Fail of the Year: Nigerian Local Board not to have been officially accredited! It surprises me for reason still unknown that this have been left pending still despite efforts put in. I must say, Nigerians have come to be very active and innovative in the forum and our activities fits perfectly for a local board accreditation but, this is still forth coming. Maybe it would be different this year.
7. Discovery of the Year : The bitcointalk talk show
8. Best SpamBuster: Lovesmayfamilis
9. Best ScamBuster: JollyGood
10. Craft Maser: Hhampuz The user has taken management to the next level and even compensates participants from his funds should the campaignteam fall short on their promises. That's just out of this world.
Cryptoprenuerbrainboss, while taking a page in the signature campaign, he has made bounty campaign something worth the while and should he spot a client that he isn't sure of even as its manager, he doesn't take side but instead gives a feedback and shots the campaign down with a fare warning. Now that's some management we ought to be seeing around.
11. Antihero: Scammers and those spreading FUD
12. Miss Bitcointalk: Lovesmayfamilis, she hardly goes unrecognised by anyone on the forum both banned and active. She's got a reputation that precedes her unknown physical existence and the forum remains untainted due to her works.
13. Best Moderator: hilariousandco
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