Alternatively you can vote by sending 0.00000001 BTC to a special Bitcoin Address*. In that case the transaction must have no more than two outputs: one to address for voting, and one back to your initial address (known as change). Weight of the vote will be calculated proportional to this "change".
Bitcoin address for voting must be created in according to the following rules:
1 - Perform RIPEMD-160 hashing on the vote message
2 - Add version byte (0x00) in front of RIPEMD-160 hash
3 - Perform SHA-256 hash on the extended RIPEMD-160 result
4 - Perform SHA-256 hash on the result of the previous SHA-256 hash
5 - Take the first 4 bytes of the second SHA-256 hash. This is the address checksum
6 - Add the 4 checksum bytes from stage 5 at the end of extended RIPEMD-160 hash from stage 2. This is the 25-byte binary Bitcoin Address
7 - Convert the result from a byte string into a base58 string using Base58Check encoding. This is the most commonly used Bitcoin Address format
vote message syntax:
#BITCOINVOTE {+|-}{BIP id} -{BIP id} -{BIP id} ...
- available BIP identifiers are: BIP100, BIP101, BIP102, BIP103, BIP8MB, BIPCBBSRA, BIPRosenfeld, BIPUpal
- only first BIP may begin with '+'
- BIPs starting with '-' must be listed in alphabetical order
- all BIPs must be separated by single spaces
- all letters must be upper case
In addition, the following special messages are acceptable:
for example:
step1 - 1fb5a90f8f7eff851c32c498961a98f9d2b60417
step2 - 001fb5a90f8f7eff851c32c498961a98f9d2b60417
step3 - 6c2fddb0647247f2e2c97f17c87ebcf88fe82f4579e6cd9cc1f1077e4ba66d22
step4 - ec840e1f7122bfb89387675ebb1e9b1b6364a920bc44fbe982bd099a09deda69
step5 - ec840e1f
step6 - 001fb5a90f8f7eff851c32c498961a98f9d2b60417ec840e1f
step7 - 13tfZw4qS2SXeoLwxWPtQmcGD9st22g9VY
In this way the address for this message is 13tfZw4qS2SXeoLwxWPtQmcGD9st22g9VY
Address for message "#BITCOINVOTE -BIP101 -BIP103 -BIP8MB" is 1PeR4ZrioU6hNVofUyPijeJgWbmWbzdYLN
If you would like to vote for BIP101, but against BIP100 send 1 satoshi from all your addresses to 1LK5hwGUCZoYtU5tysU5EJr2dyWBUyM5hB
Vote against all block size increase proposals - 15u8F7EZPaVuRzQyUtMp1TSnvvJo8RGRJL
and so on
*Note that no one has the private keys for those addresses, therefore this satoshi will be lost forever