Happy New Year, BTCTalk!
As I sold all of of my
BTC yesterday, I already want to have it back.
So I wrote a quick guide in which I explain how to make Steam Wallet funds
with 3 to 6 mouse clicks a day (doesn't include the clicks for the set-up).
Important: The guide might require an initial investment if you don't already have a particular Steam product.
Price - 10$ or
, another cryptocurrency (same value) or other offers of similar value. Link me your Steam profile via PM in order to check if you need to make an initial investment.
The only way to buy this is to PM me or post on this thread. Now you can also use the autobuy link from Satoshibox below. Escrow is still highly encouraged (you will pay fees).
Buy it now -
One vouch copy is available for
Legendary members who are either willing to make an initial investment or already have this particular Steam product. They will have to link me their Steam profile in order to check if they have it.
1/2 Vouches Taken
Negotiated a deal with OP. Yes, it requires an initial investment, but depending on your luck, it will be paid off in a week or so (I think).
The method requires very little work however, so if you could have the time to open up the game and click around for a little bit, you'll make ends meet