It's kind of fucked up when people post things that you don't like to read right?
Disclaimer: I've never been impolite and I share my sources, but like you've said "All opinions are welcomed!" and this are my opinions. Period.
OK, that's fair enough if you feel that you need to share your opinion that this is not an official thread please to do so (though no one think this is the official thread, and if I would want to I could make it exactly same as the original one, I didn't want to, so I kept only one image from the original and put my comments), but sharing your opinion, which welcomed one thing and spamming is another matter.
Your opinion is certainly welcomed in this unmoderated thread, and very well done, you should share your opinion more frequently :-)) that's why this thread is here :-))) ... but spamming is not an opinion sharing as you know that.
Please stop the spamming, otherwise I will make it look like the official thread, and you will be more upset what I certainly don't want. :-))