What part of this you don't understand?
This vulnerability has been received by the NVD and has not been analyzed.
What I don't understand is why everything has to be about Luke. Even when the man does something right, people come after him with such hatred.
Because he is the one modifying the wiki on his own and then filling a vulnerability claim by citing his own modified links?
Assume I modify the wiki by claiming alani123 is the true mastermind behind the bitfinex hack and I claim I have the proof but don't show it and just quote another blog own by myself in which again I accused you of doing so!
Does this count being about the hack, about bitfinex or about someone who just wants to push his agenda? Guess where Luke is in this?
https://twitter.com/LukeDashjr/status/1732204937466032285 Muhahahahahha
Got to love the guy don't you?
How but it seems that your love for this guy goes so deep to the point that maybe it stops smelling like s*** and starts tasting like chocolate! I wouldn't know, never made idols out of deranged individuals.
Maybe he should fix the thing that makes all bitcoins insecure first, right?
https://twitter.com/hodlonaut/status/1615033789956202496Using holes in the code to exploit it counts as a vulnerability by definition.
You have no idea what a hole in a code is, right?
By your definition Gmail limit of 25 MB per attachment is also a vulnerability.