
Topic: Wages Declined As Immigration Population Increased in US (Read 1273 times)

Activity: 1078
Merit: 1014
saddam, you think that it would be better for society if no more immigrants were allowed into the country, yet you admit that companies would lose profit as a result (through higher wages and less productivity), correct?

What sort of effect would banning immigration have on the overall economy? I think it would probably be disastrous, causing huge numbers of companies to relocate, and/or increase the cost of their product/service to consumers. Some companies would go bust. Available jobs and living standards would fall as a result.

What would be your solution to this? Or, what do you think would happen to the economy with a ban on immigration?
i don't wish to ban all immigration. letting in controlled numbes of white, usually skilled immigrants where we've identified a need in our economy is acceptable. bringing in unlimited numbers of poor people to displace our native workforce is not.

companies were managing fine before the first wave of mass eastern european immigration occurred in 2004. overall gdp levels are irrelevant if most of that extra money ends up in the pockets of millionaire shareholders and workers on low to average wages living standards are in decline.

nobody is going to go bust like nobody went bust before the first wave of mass east european immigration occurred in 2004. somehow we used to manage without these hard working polacks. somehow every country on earth that isn't in the eu manages. british based tesco, starbucks and mcdonalds stores can't relocate someplace else because they exist to serve uk consumers.
Activity: 2058
Merit: 1007
Poor impulse control.
Well i'm not racist and i'm not even live on the States, but i have my own believes and faith, and just with a quick look you can know that indeed we are not the same!, the races have not the same predisposed habits, every race can be the same but with a guided spiritual social - orientation to print principles and values, and that obviously is not happening even on the United States.

Seeing this from a sociologist eye, you can clearly see that when every ethnic group is grouped in a community with just "liberty" and no guide, each of them tends to act different in a scale of bad-good behavior, taking bad or good as the possibly outcome of their actions, if they benefit 3rd persons or if they hurt physically or socially 3rd persons.

The "Blacks" neighborhoods are clearly characterized by extreme violence, gangs, people who don't "produce" anything to the community, they are violent with each other, and with white people, why they choose to live like this if they are ruled by the same laws?. They have practically an auto-destructive behavior.
There are many groups who have been "bullied" by the people around them but when they are on their community, they are very friendly between them, so Blacks neighborhoods are not violent between them because of the outside racism they had once.

There are many groups of people who claim to be the "victims" of x system or group but then you discover they are worse than their "victimizers" between them, i'm speaking about groups who claim poverty, lack of opportunities, etc..

I think that the tendency to evil-good is predisposed on the ADN, and without a guide, the groups just tend to do what they have "written".
This cannot be explained with actual social protocols or principles.. but it exist.

So i will say what once i read, that Black people are paying a long time karma they got for doing a disastrous and dreadful evil that i will not name here, some remnants of that are their original believes they carry from Africa and some of them still practiced it on the States; Voodoo Magic , i'm not going to say if its real or not, just analyze the true behavior behind that "trying to telepathically hurt someone, in the most coward form, using a doll representing the victim while he won't even know whos attacking him".

Clearly that debt is almost finished as we can see this group of people now on many good social countries like America on this days.


Well finally someone that makes sense! I just *knew* someone was telepathically attacking me.
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
I'm talking about immigrants in general, ethnic and religious issues lets leave for a different topic

Immigrants to EU nations such as Germany and the United Kingdom are not a homogenous group. There are productive, as well as non-productive groups. Productive groups give more to the state exchequer than they take away. But here the problem is that the birth rate of this group is less than that of the general population. On the other hand, the birth rate of the unproductive groups are much higher than the general population.

In short, you cant justify the immigration of Somalis and Sudanese, by citing the example of hard working Lithuanians and Slovaks.
Activity: 1188
Merit: 1016
saddam, you think that it would be better for society if no more immigrants were allowed into the country, yet you admit that companies would lose profit as a result (through higher wages and less productivity), correct?

What sort of effect would banning immigration have on the overall economy? I think it would probably be disastrous, causing huge numbers of companies to relocate, and/or increase the cost of their product/service to consumers. Some companies would go bust. Available jobs and living standards would fall as a result.

What would be your solution to this? Or, what do you think would happen to the economy with a ban on immigration?
Activity: 1078
Merit: 1014
If he buys food, he gives money to the bakery or restaurant and that money is filling the cash desk of the owner who is also paying taxes. You pay taxes almost in everything even if you are not doing it directly.
as the native brit would be if that job went to him instead of the foreigner. there's no advantage in having the immigrant doing it except perhaps to the employer in better productivity and profit but there is considerable disadvantage for society as a whole allowing our own people to languish on welfare

claiming the two are unrelated is as dumb as sturgeon and miliband telling nigel farage the 300k immigrants who came in last year aren't the driving force behind the need to build more houses

I've never said that we have to accept ill conditions or work like they do in China but some improvements must be made, also in use of time work.
this is the only possible outcome of forcing our workers to compete with labourers in the third world and of bringing third world labourers here to undercut them so don't run away from it. if you are a hard nosed capitalist who thinks profit is the be all and end all and globalisation and open borders and competition are wonderful say so but don't pretend these ideas are compatible with decent living standards for workers because they aren't and never will be

I'm talking about immigrants in general, ethnic and religious issues lets leave for a different topic
i dont know which immigrants you're talking about because the only ones with high birthrates are the dark skinned variety. the polish, romanian and bulgarian birthrates are all below replacement levels just as ours are.
Activity: 1288
Merit: 1000
there's no vat (sales tax) on food and transport. the £1,000 or so a minimum wage immigrant might pay in income tax nowhere near makes up for the cost of paying jobseekers allowance and housing benefit to the british worker he put out of a job.

If he buys food, he gives money to the bakery or restaurant and that money is filling the cash desk of the owner who is also paying taxes. You pay taxes almost in everything even if you are not doing it directly.

the difference is i see things that drive down our workers' wages and rights as negatives that we should be guarding against and you appear to be saying we must accept these changes and resign ourselves to working harder for less until our pay and conditions converge somewhere in the middle with those of china

I've never said that we have to accept ill conditions or work like they do in China but some improvements must be made, also in use of time work.

if that birthrate is going to be made up mostly of blacks and muslims (as it currently is) i'd rather just have fewer people

I'm talking about immigrants in general, ethnic and religious issues lets leave for a different topic
Activity: 1078
Merit: 1014
If that immigrant has a legal job, lives in apartment, buys food, goes on a subway or bus, that means he pays taxes like everyone else in country.
there's no vat (sales tax) on food and transport. the £1,000 or so a minimum wage immigrant might pay in income tax nowhere near makes up for the cost of paying jobseekers allowance and housing benefit to the british worker he put out of a job.

Firstly why do You need to insult Polish people? Secondly if a company allows slower working pace then her competitiveness weakens, if that happens you don't need to look for competition in China because another company in neighbourhood will dominate the first one.
Thirdly here's an article about Polish workers in UK

i realise eastern european immigrants want to work and that in many cases they work harder than western europeans. no disagreement with you.

the difference is i see things that drive down our workers' wages and rights as negatives that we should be guarding against and you appear to be saying we must accept these changes and resign ourselves to working harder for less until our pay and conditions converge somewhere in the middle with those of china

And finally Europe society is getting older every year so young immigrants that want to integrate will bring new children in the future keeping birth rates high
if that birthrate is going to be made up mostly of blacks and muslims (as it currently is) i'd rather just have fewer people
Activity: 1288
Merit: 1000
the cost of keeping a native brit on welfare who lost out on a potential minimum wage job to an immigrant is not going to be met by whatever taxes that immigrant pays. that immigrant has now become a drain on us all.

If that immigrant has a legal job, lives in apartment, buys food, goes on a subway or bus, that means he pays taxes like everyone else in country.

let them make do with the slightly slower , lazier british worker who demands his rights as they always did before the option of employing harder working desperate polacks existed.

Firstly why do You need to insult Polish people? Secondly if a company allows slower working pace then her competitiveness weakens, if that happens you don't need to look for competition in China because another company in neighbourhood will dominate the first one.
Thirdly here's an article about Polish workers in UK

And finally Europe society is getting older every year so young immigrants that want to integrate will bring new children in the future keeping birth rates high
Activity: 3318
Merit: 2008
First Exclusion Ever
While I disagree with all the racist rhetoric on this page, I agree with the overall premise that mass immigration drives US wages down across the board. The same can be said for prison labor in the US. These are not "jobs American's don't want, and that premise is absolute bullshit, ad if it ever applied it was during the boom of the 90's when everyone was getting paid well from the huge wave of financial fraud. It is very simple.

Labor is very much like the oil market. It doesn't matter where you buy it from, the fact that there is cheaper oil anywhere else in the world means that oil globally will be more available, and therefore decrease the value of all oil globally. In that same vein when the floor of the lowest paying jobs drops even further, all the jobs above it take a hit and decrease pay along with it, taking EVERYONE down a notch as the cheap labor saturates the market and makes it impossible for domestic workers at entry level to earn a living. This very same effect is seen with prison labor in the US, this along with immigration is USA's answer to Chinese sweatshops. The premise that Americans don't want these jobs is misleading even if it were true. The fact is that as those jobs pay less, so do all the jobs above those as everyone takes a decrease in living standards. Even if the premis that no one wanted the jobs were true, it still drives everyone's wages down. Immigration may have built this country, but it also has the ability to kill it. Managing immigration has been a right of every country since nationalism existed. Why is it that the USA is the only one that is racist for enforcing immigration laws?
Activity: 1078
Merit: 1014
This study had nothing to do with future pensions. Granted, because the majority of the immigrants in these 10 years were young, they would not currently be claiming pensions, and some of the £600b drain will be from older native Britons' pensions. All the research says is that in these 10 years immigrants contributed to the economy, while natives drained it massively.

The social cost of native unemployment is nothing to do with immigration, it is to do with the companies that employ immigrants. As I said earlier, if they didn't have access to cheap labour, they wouldn't be as successful and would lose money or relocate, meaning less jobs. The solution to this would be to put more investment into education, so our native workers had similar education levels as immigrants.

The report also estimates that the influx of educated EU immigrants over the 10 years saved the taxpayer £8.5b in education costs, in addition to the £20b+ in taxes.
the cost of keeping a native brit on welfare who lost out on a potential minimum wage job to an immigrant is not going to be met by whatever taxes that immigrant pays. that immigrant has now become a drain on us all.

most manufacturing jobs that could be relocated to poor countries already have been. retail/service joke mcdonalds jobs are all that's left for unskilled school leavers and these employers cant exactly pick up and go to china. let them make do with the slightly slower , lazier british worker who demands his rights as they always did before the option of employing harder working desperate polacks existed.

one is not "educated" to do minimum wage jobs, thats why they pay minimum wage. and immigrants dont get them because of being educated, they get them because they work harder and ring in sick less.

Have you got a source that explains why the reason for these problems is definitely immigrants? While they may be contributing to the problem of low pay, I would say that the crony capitalism we've seen since 2008 has had a far greater effect on the general economy, sucking money from the poor and middle class to line the pockets of the rich and powerful. Also take into account that people are living longer, the austerity measures that have been introduced to try and keep the debt in check, and the fact that many UK jobs are low paid and service based.
no i havent got a source of a ceo admitting he's scrapping workers' benefits because he knows he has the option to replace them with immigrants if they leave. these aren't things people say out in the open, rather they talk about difficult economic conditions and the tightening of belts and such jargon

and there is no austerity. the national debt's doubled over the last parliament and both tory and labour have already ruled out cutting departments that could make a dent in it which are pensions and healthcare
Activity: 1188
Merit: 1016
And this society of white people faced the great depression in the 30 years before that.

What would you propose then? Close the borders and isolate your country? What about the immigrants that are already there?
i would deport most non whites. high iq non race mixing asians and orientals could stay.

Interestingly in the UK, European immigrants since 2000 have actually made a net contribution of over £20b, whereas the UK born population drained the economy of over £600b:
I've been trying to find similar stats for the USA but haven't yet.
seen this bullshit "research" before and imagine we could find similar for the usa if we look hard enough. they arrive at these numbers by assuming immigrants will never claim pensions and ignoring the social cost of the unemployment among the native population they cause.

This study had nothing to do with future pensions. Granted, because the majority of the immigrants in these 10 years were young, they would not currently be claiming pensions, and some of the £600b drain will be from older native Britons' pensions. All the research says is that in these 10 years immigrants contributed to the economy, while natives drained it massively.

The social cost of native unemployment is nothing to do with immigration, it is to do with the companies that employ immigrants. As I said earlier, if they didn't have access to cheap labour, they wouldn't be as successful and would lose money or relocate, meaning less jobs. The solution to this would be to put more investment into education, so our native workers had similar education levels as immigrants.

The report also estimates that the influx of educated EU immigrants over the 10 years saved the taxpayer £8.5b in education costs, in addition to the £20b+ in taxes.

First of all immigrants are all kind of races, also white (manly from eastern Europe). As for "spics working in call centers or your local starbucks" those people are doing jobs that "unemployed americans or kids leaving school" don't want to do.
more like dont want to do for the bullshit wages and working conditions mass third world immigration have created. over here we used to get double time for working on sundays and paid lunch breaks. now sundays pay the same money and breaks are unpaid. and there are so called "productivity targets" even in joke retail jobs which never used to exist meaning people have to work harder and faster than their parents did. the reason? 3 million immigrants from eastern europe. i'm from england but i imagine its no different in other developed countries with a mass third world immigration problem.

Have you got a source that explains why the reason for these problems is definitely immigrants? While they may be contributing to the problem of low pay, I would say that the crony capitalism we've seen since 2008 has had a far greater effect on the general economy, sucking money from the poor and middle class to line the pockets of the rich and powerful. Also take into account that people are living longer, the austerity measures that have been introduced to try and keep the debt in check, and the fact that many UK jobs are low paid and service based.
Activity: 1078
Merit: 1014
You had to speed up because other countries like China could do the same for lass and with higher amount. Even if there were no immigrants You still had to work faster because if not your product wouldn't be competitive with the  one from China.

bring back tariffs. i have no desire to compete with slope automatons who gratefully work 12 hours a day for a couple of dollars.

You didn't understood or didn't read my previous post correctly. I wrote "lowering wages is not always a bad thing"
it almost always is a bad thing
Activity: 3066
Merit: 1147
The revolution will be monetized!
Autism rates are also up, as is the temperature of the Earth, all immigration? I think not.
The vast majority of new poverty in the U.S. is the result of a new economic order. The super wealthy now control more money than ever in our history. Even more than the gilded age. It is now more likely that a typical European will financially grow out of poverty than a typical U.S. citizen.

When you hear politicians and "job creators" Roll Eyes talk about the economy they are not talking about yours little man. The economy is now more profitable for the super rich than ever in my lifetime. They love to paint a rosy picture of the economy and frankly it is for them. let's translate:

U.S. worker production is up! = you are working harder for less money.

Record profits in financial services! = you need loans to get by.

The stock market is up! = and rigged and less profitable for normal investors than ever.

Your money is not going to immigrants, it's going out the door to pay for someone's third yacht. The idea of blaming the poor is as old as Machiavelli. "The poor are so stupid they can be turned on each other over crumbs while we eat the bread. Now where is my wig powder?"

Activity: 1288
Merit: 1000
more like dont want to do for the bullshit wages and working conditions mass third world immigration have created. over here we used to get double time for working on sundays and paid lunch breaks. now sundays pay the same money and breaks are unpaid. and there are so called "productivity targets" even in joke retail jobs which never used to exist meaning people have to work harder and faster than their parents did. the reason? 3 million immigrants from eastern europe. i'm from england but i imagine its no different in other developed countries with a mass third world immigration problem.

You had to speed up because other countries like China could do the same for lass and with higher amount. Even if there were no immigrants You still had to work faster because if not your product wouldn't be competitive with the  one from China.

lower wages are a bad thing when the people on them need food stamps to survive. in the uk 25% of welfare is paid to people who have jobs because the government recognises the minimum wage isn't enough money to live on.

You didn't understood or didn't read my previous post correctly. I wrote "lowering wages is not always a bad thing"
Activity: 1078
Merit: 1014
And this society of white people faced the great depression in the 30 years before that.

What would you propose then? Close the borders and isolate your country? What about the immigrants that are already there?
i would deport most non whites. high iq non race mixing asians and orientals could stay.

Interestingly in the UK, European immigrants since 2000 have actually made a net contribution of over £20b, whereas the UK born population drained the economy of over £600b:
I've been trying to find similar stats for the USA but haven't yet.
seen this bullshit "research" before and imagine we could find similar for the usa if we look hard enough. they arrive at these numbers by assuming immigrants will never claim pensions and ignoring the social cost of the unemployment among the native population they cause.

First of all immigrants are all kind of races, also white (manly from eastern Europe). As for "spics working in call centers or your local starbucks" those people are doing jobs that "unemployed americans or kids leaving school" don't want to do.
more like dont want to do for the bullshit wages and working conditions mass third world immigration have created. over here we used to get double time for working on sundays and paid lunch breaks. now sundays pay the same money and breaks are unpaid. and there are so called "productivity targets" even in joke retail jobs which never used to exist meaning people have to work harder and faster than their parents did. the reason? 3 million immigrants from eastern europe. i'm from england but i imagine its no different in other developed countries with a mass third world immigration problem.

Also lowering wages is not always a bad thing -> you can produce more for less, so the costumer will be able to pay less for that product, and that also means that despite having less in your wallet you can actually buy more stuff. And finally one more thing - China is currently very competitive in low-cost production, so if companies in countries like USA want to keep their production facilities on USA soil they have to cut costs somewhere (Not that they should start from cutting wages, but that's how they roll)
lower wages are a bad thing when the people on them need food stamps to survive. in the uk 25% of welfare is paid to people who have jobs because the government recognises the minimum wage isn't enough money to live on.
Activity: 1288
Merit: 1000
Not sure but I think this article is referring to both legal and illegal immigrants, the legal immigrants pay taxes like every US citizen.
We cannot forget that USA society is built on immigrants.
the majority of "legal" immigrants are in low paying jobs and are a net drain on the economy. you think the spics working in call centers or your local starbucks are paying a lot of tax? all they are doing is taking those jobs away from unemployed americans or kids leaving school who need them.

usa society was built by white people with a whites only immigration law until the 1960s

First of all immigrants are all kind of races, also white (manly from eastern Europe). As for "spics working in call centers or your local starbucks" those people are doing jobs that "unemployed americans or kids leaving school" don't want to do. Also lowering wages is not always a bad thing -> you can produce more for less, so the costumer will be able to pay less for that product, and that also means that despite having less in your wallet you can actually buy more stuff. And finally one more thing - China is currently very competitive in low-cost production, so if companies in countries like USA want to keep their production facilities on USA soil they have to cut costs somewhere (Not that they should start from cutting wages, but that's how they roll)
Activity: 1188
Merit: 1016
Not sure but I think this article is referring to both legal and illegal immigrants, the legal immigrants pay taxes like every US citizen.
We cannot forget that USA society is built on immigrants.
the majority of "legal" immigrants are in low paying jobs and are a net drain on the economy. you think the spics working in call centers or your local starbucks are paying a lot of tax? all they are doing is taking those jobs away from unemployed americans or kids leaving school who need them.

usa society was built by white people with a whites only immigration law until the 1960s

Interestingly in the UK, European immigrants since 2000 have actually made a net contribution of over £20b, whereas the UK born population drained the economy of over £600b:
I've been trying to find similar stats for the USA but haven't yet.

A friend of mine made the point that low-wage workers are keeping wages down, which is probably true. However, if a company was forced to pay higher wages, that cost has to come out of something. So either the cost to consumers increases, profit decreases, or the company relocates to a cheaper country. All detrimental to the economy.

sr. member
Activity: 641
Merit: 253
▰▰▰ Global Cryptocurrency Paymen
Not sure but I think this article is referring to both legal and illegal immigrants, the legal immigrants pay taxes like every US citizen.
We cannot forget that USA society is built on immigrants.
the majority of "legal" immigrants are in low paying jobs and are a net drain on the economy. you think the spics working in call centers or your local starbucks are paying a lot of tax? all they are doing is taking those jobs away from unemployed americans or kids leaving school who need them.

usa society was built by white people with a whites only immigration law until the 1960s

And this society of white people faced the great depression in the 30 years before that.

What would you propose then? Close the borders and isolate your country? What about the immigrants that are already there?
Activity: 1078
Merit: 1014
Not sure but I think this article is referring to both legal and illegal immigrants, the legal immigrants pay taxes like every US citizen.
We cannot forget that USA society is built on immigrants.
the majority of "legal" immigrants are in low paying jobs and are a net drain on the economy. you think the spics working in call centers or your local starbucks are paying a lot of tax? all they are doing is taking those jobs away from unemployed americans or kids leaving school who need them.

usa society was built by white people with a whites only immigration law until the 1960s
Activity: 1288
Merit: 1000
The USSR collapsed, as the welfare rats increased in population beyond a tolerable limit, and put enormous strain on the resources...

USSR collapsed because of many reasons, including economical, sociological, political and ideological as well.

The illegals don't have to pay for tax or mediclaim.

Not sure but I think this article is referring to both legal and illegal immigrants, the legal immigrants pay taxes like every US citizen.
We cannot forget that USA society is built on immigrants.
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