No, banks are not countries, banks are the controllers of ANY country's economy.
I do not understand what your statement is but Bitcoins can also be controlled by banks.
They have the means to print the shit paper we call "money'.
So yeah banks can do pretty much whatever they want even with Bitcoin because as we have witnessed Bitcoin is controlled by the one who has the biggest hashrate.
Bitcoin experts please prove me wrong....
(and I truly do mean it)
we see your point, we know that side of government exists.
but if you actually read the BCB (bolivian central bank) anouncement. not coindesks interpretation of panamposts article.
not panamposts article's interpretation of the banks notification.
but if you read the actualy BCB announcement you will see that it mentions that bitcoins are an investment risk (standard investment warning every country has) and that it says that financial institutions are reccommended to not directly touch bitcoin and stick with FIAT.
this is the same as what every other country has said.
its just that people then put their own opinions to this, such as the point your making. and doing a 1+1=3. (invisible 1(your opinion)
bitcoin is maths so im sticking with 1+1=2. so if you can prove 1+1=3 and show me in the announcement or in actual law that the "invisible 1" is actually active and involved. then your point can be used in this scenario.
so show me the act (bank policy), show me the law (governement rule) before allowing this fud to spread further