Can only say I do love the phase where i'm in and that the HODL-phase!!!!!!!!!!!
By the way, I checked in with my mom in regards to some of her BTC details a few days ago, and I was surprised in a few regards.
She is actually one of the few peeps who actually did something that is in the neighborhood of what I suggested, and that was to at least put some money into BTC and to dollar cost average and to only sell small amounts on the way up in order to be prepared for further possible UP.
So, she largely has been following my suggestions, but her revelations to me a few days ago, showed me that peeps are going to do what they are going to do, and peeps got their own minds and they are going to experiment to some degree.
I usually did not ask her for too many details about what she had been doing, but just to get overviews from time to time and then also to spout out some of my suggested strategies on a fairly regular basis in order that she could at least consider some of my thoughts and approach. So, in that regard, largely I would remind her on a regular basis that she is responsible for her own portfolio choices and approach, so she usually had not provided me too many details, except for a few days ago, she was telling me about the various shit coins that she had bought. I thought that it was funny but also a little bit irritating that she had gone off and bought a whole bunch of shit coins, some of which I had never previously heard the name, in spite of my seeing references to a decent number of shit coins from time to time. I was surprised but also at least a bit relieved that her investment in various shit coins was a very small percentage of her overall holdings. When I kind of lectured her for getting involved with a variety of shit coins, including some of the no name ones, she said that she bought some of them because she kind of would get bored by ONLY having bitcoin in her portfolio, so she wanted to just play around with some of the other dumb shit and if they would shoot up in value for some unexplained reason, she would just cash them into bitcoin if those kinds of pumpenings were to take place with any of the various shitcoins. I told her that she was largely wasting her time and brain power and likely getting scammed, but I could tell that she had largely already made up her mind to entertain herself with these various small investments, just for shits and giggles.
You brainwashed your mum!
Fuck. She will be rich but she can never enjoy it now she is a ladder drone.