It kind of pissed me off. I was taking my sweet ass time accumulating in the $3K-$4K range. I assumed we'd probably still be there now.
I only ended up re-buying half of what I had originally planned - why couldn't we have just panic bought like bitches instead of being so methodical?
Still, can't complain.
I planned to buy in big at 2700-2800. I knew 3000-4000 was cheap long-term, yet I got greedy again, still beating myself up about that.
very understandable
I know this is a tendency that people have, but I still have difficulties giving a lot of sympathy to the wait for lower prices approach.
For sure, I sympathize with the approach of "still having money available" in case the price goes to $2,700-$2,800, and even having had been prepared for "still having money available" for a whole hell of a lot lower BTC prices that are quite a bit lower than reasonable expectations, because we know that BTC can be unreasonable and has shown a decent number of times to be unreasonable, but I still have difficulties with having regrets about not buying.
In my thinking, you buy whatever you are able to buy while still being prepared for either UP or DOWN. Even I was running low on fiat funds, especially after the BTC price dropped below $6k because I largely bought a decent amount back with the nearly 70% plunge down to $6k. So, yeah, when the plunge got close to the 85% territory (which was the $3,122 area), I did not have a lot of money left for buying BTC... and I had to restructure some of my available dollars and to re-figure out some future cashflow in order to at least have some money that I would be able to use in the event that BTC were to go even lower than that $3,122 local low...
So, yeah, having money available and re-thinking the situation should be a pretty normal and prudent exercise that any BTC HODLer/accumulator would do, so once the cash flow and the cash holdings and the expenses are figured out, we still had about 4.5 months in that sub $4k price area to figure out how much of our funds that we could buy at that point and how much we needed to keep in reserves in case the price went lower than the then local low of $3,122.
Maybe any regrets would be of having had not set a sufficient amount of time to really consider one's personal situation, and then once the BTC price went up on 4/1/19 and broke through $4,200 not to have regrets about whatever, position that a guy (or gal) had taken prior to 4/1/19?
So, in that regard, the main conundrum should have been to ponder about what could be learned from the situation. What can be learned to make better assessments in the present based on present circumstances that includes considerations of what will happen in the future and being able to reconsider when the future time comes, as well....
TLDR: I do understand that people can sometimes feel "regrets" yet feeling regrets should be a motivator for learning, and such learning would be how to spend a sufficient amount of time to consider one's own situation, finances and thoughts, in order to lessen any kind of likelihood of feeling regrets in the future.