How big would that be? Put it in the BSV blockchain, they have gigabyte blocks. The only other thing there are weather stuff.
Don't mean to get technical on you all the sudden by I was looking into it the other day and as of right now its only possible to cram 100 KB of data into a single BSV transaction (or 4 JJG posts -- sorry JJG, you know I'm still a fan).
After they switch to 2 GB blocks, it would only take about a week of spamming their transactions with as much data as possible until the BSV blockchain grew to over 2 terabytes in size.
Needless to say, it would only be a few months of constant spam attacks before the blockchain became too unwieldy for almost anybody to manage it. Their node count would drop to near zero.
If the transaction fee was around 1 cent per tx, the attack would cost about $1,200/hr to run. Frankly I don't see why this won't eventually happen.
I would absolutely donate money to a fund that was created for the sole purpose of stuffing BSV with junk to these ends.
Someone needs to set this up.