also, we would need a very good weed simulator that can be uploaded as well.
And the weed simulator at such a stage of development would make weed seem like catnip.
i would not want anything but the weed program, simply because most other recreation drugs alter thing too much for my taste and usually have crashes when they wear off. weed Just Works for my purposes, and i have a LOT of experience with it. its my ultimate drug of choice, no need for anything else.
btw ever read larry nivens
known space series of books? in them he came up with the ultimate drug.. a wire is implanted directly to the pleasure center of the brain and delivers a trickle current to it. its so powerful and addictive that people can starve to death as nothing is more important than that wire. they were called wireheads, and a main character in the ringword series was a wirehead for a period of time.
as long as you (or the copy, whatever) can elect and is able to end its existence at some point. who wants an eternity of boredom?[/qoute]
Although I personally wouldn't pull the plug on "uploading consciousness" until there is a way for me to simultaneously and willingly experience both the real and virtual me as well as turning one or the other off at will.
There is no limit to novelty. So if you ever get bored you can always just hibernate or erase memory before coming back for more. Existence could then be like the ups and downs of the corn. I doubt that death is anything other than that, just in a more saddle way.
simply erasing learned experiences just means you will likely reach the same result (more or less) as the 1st run that led you to being bored to the point of wanting to cease existence. and i dont want some person to be able to modify my thinking or change the way i run such as restart/modify the way i run (like a "safe mode"... my consciousness doesnt do "safe mode") and no one should be able to override my choice if i chose to erase meself rather than enter hibernate or whatever. if i so chose to end it, i want the copy, and all backups
gone. if i hibernate i will always be ale to be restarted. thats a negative.
another thing about uploading some ones conscious that others me is the fact that others would now have access to the "source code" of you so to speak. its possible someone can change your thought to want to, say, run machinery, ships, anything that needs AI with a touch of human ingenuity and problem solving
no thanks.