Exactly, as I predicted earlier $6-6.5 in Summer, $10-15k Fall and new ATH in December 2019.
I don't expect a new high until well into 2021 myself. And when it does hit it's going to be pretty electrifying. Regaining $1000 was the culmination of a seemingly endless slog. It was more relief than euphoria. Next time around there'll be more appetite and more expectation.
My predictions -
End of 2019 - $6,500 - $7,500
Price by the halving (May 2020) - $9,000 - $10,000 ish
New ATH - Some time in 2021
Over $100,000 - 2022
Quote me damn it
Partially agree..
look at this chart
ChartThe purpose of this analysis is to provide insight on bitcoin holder patterns to improve our educated guess on the timing of the price bottom. We don’t believe this analysis should function as an indicator on its own, but rather that it be used in combination with other relevant data to make the most informed decision possible. We’ve established that selling pressure from long term holders is significantly tapped, and accumulation has begun. Using the timing of previous price bottoms relative to different bitcoin accumulation points, we can use current UTXO dynamics to forecast a rough date for a price bottom. We specifically tracked the price bottom relative to the 6-12M holding peak
1, the forecasted UTXO 1 year+ holding peak
2, the existing UTXO 1 year+ holding bottom
3, and the forecasted slowdown point of the 1 Year+ UTXO growth rate
4. This results in a cluster of dates that indicate a bottom in Q1 2019(