Buenos dias Tierra del Bitcoin. Back in the Maya Jungle after a horror show of a flight back down.
After having my afternoon flight overbooked, I was forced to take an evening flight out of my way to Mexico City, spend the night at the airport there, fly on a different airline to Cancun a day late, and have a normal half-hour bus trip to Playa del Carmen take almost 2 hours due to a detour caused by a bus accident (same bus line!)
Then I was charged double what I'd been booked for the day before, not as a missed reservation (I'd contacted the hotel as soon as my departure was delayed) but because it was now Spring Break and all rates were doubled. Gawd I hate the normals.
The real zinger though was the fact that my luggage disappeared somewhere along the line. Bringing a large amount of stuff back with me was one of my justifications for flying up to the freezing cold for a week in the middle of my winter in Mexico. I'd brought all kinds of stuff not available here: professional-quality stainless steel kitchenware, bulk vacuum-sealing bags, a portable toilet (ah, the luxury of an ensuite in the jungle), bamboo fitted sheets, a new bluetooth keyboard for lounging in bed, assorted tools, security cameras, etc. Even some cash.
Since the Air Canada Boeing 737 Max crash in Ethiopia a few days ago they're next to impossible to contact about the baggage checks they issued in Toronto. I don't know if my stuff is in Toronto, Mex City, or Cancun (or somewhere else for Chrisakes). The lousy $1000 they're sending me for the delayed flight doesn't come close to compensating me for all the aggravation and lost time, let alone anywhere near the value of what was in my luggage.
In the meantime the price of Bitcoin has edged up a little since I got back down here... currently $3999USD/$5335CAD (Bitcoinaverage).
Seems the battle for $4k continues.
Go Bitcoin go.
P.S. I don't really hate the normals. I'm just glad I'm not one of them.