Start here. It’s free. Teach yourself to program.
There is BIG money for people who understand money, crypto and programming
The learn to code meme is dumb. Since almost everything to do with programming can be done remotely, I'm amazed globalization hasn't gutted salaries completely. I would guess it will keep progressing in that manner until the act of coding is doing lots of work for mediocre pay and looking like a pretty shit industry compared to many others. This is why you see metric tons of trannies in programming nowadays. They got tired of trying to pass themselves off as women and failing so all just started programming remotely from their house.
I'm sure more lower salary nations like China, India, Eastern Europe, etc, will continue to massively drive down wages as they hop on the programming bus with the army of trannies already there. If you don't want to be completely displaced by global labor arbitrage, you kind of have to have some kind of skill that can't be outsourced.