You are going to buy luxury cars with your winnings? Think twice.
Might not be a good idea to show off while there are millions of people who barely survive a month with their minimum wages, and worse, there are millions with no jobs at all.
Pay attention, they ignore the shitty old cars but when they see a porsche they instantly get mad.
I used to be a young anarchist. Not the "destroy everything" type, It was more like an intellectual thing for me, I read Strirner and Chomsky and i was informed about the scene.
After many years as a beliver, I have come to a conclusion: people is on average too stupid for this kind of things.
Yes, the concept of the "master-slave dialectic" is completely true, but most people won't get it, let alone a critical mass of workers. Also, wage-workers are too tired to think out-of-the-box.
These people don't want a real change, they just want to be included in the capitalyst system, they are basically protesting because the taxes for their useless SUV are increasing.
So I would drive a Lamborghini with a btc logo between this mass of sheeps without concerns, most of them would admire me end even buy btc (of course for the only reason of becoming rich)