Actually, no, I "earned" 50 BTC worth of shitcoins (well, I don't consider them shitcoins, but whatever) ... my mistake was not cashing them out to BTC when I had the chance, and in hindsight, cashing out those BTC to fiat (maybe some, not all) so that I can live comfortably for a couple years, and then find a normie job without worrying about the future. (50 BTC was $1m USD back in Jan 2018? Something like that.)
And continue to earn or hodl everything.
But hey, no one's perfect. Either learn from your mistakes, or learn from other's mistakes. Still think they were pretty good bets.
A bitcoin would help so much, I'm not going homeless, and I've got a family to keep warm.
Thanks for sharing.
In the end, you win some you lose some in this game.
I won a lot and lost a lot. I cashed out a lot when BTC was 1100$ and bought a (now the most expensive in the world) Ducati. Even tho that could have been a Ducati AND a Lambo I still don't regret that decision.
I sold 1200 ETH which I got by mining form the very start and by daytrading at a good profit. But in hindsight....
I had a nice Dash masternode purring. Sold it for a good profit, but in hindsight....
I had 98.5 BTC at my top. Now I only have a fraction
What I learned was:
- Take some profit now and then and enjoy that. That can never be taken away.
- Be patient
- Don't trade when there are emotions involved
So, some valuable lessons, a great adventure, and some nice spoils of war. Not what it could've been but I'm very happy.
This year I'm saving and trying to rebuild a decent stash of BTC as much as that is possible. Having more then one whole BTC is a win in my book already.