Thanks for your TA's, one of the few people here who post on topic
+1 WOsMerit
Thank you for the acknowledgement and your welcome. You must have glossed over all my other sh*tposts however..
Do you mean biology-based conspiracies or just biology as a general term?
+1 WOsMerit
Yup, I'm in lurk mode last weeks
+1 WOsMerit
A eyeball after my own heart. My lurkiness tends to wax and wane with bitcoins price surprisingly..
Bitcoin bottomed around 0400 hours GMT on 14 January 2015.
We are now past that time in this cycle. If the fractal holds, we have bottomed.
I just bought again.
+1 WOsMerit
Just be cautious of bias. I do not feel we have seen the last power plays of this year.
Basic strategy has been to view bitcoin as a far-out-of-the-money put on the dollar (as the reserve currency, the one with the most to lose) with no expiry. Whats not to like about that? Very little cost to hold compared to the potential upside.
Bought more at key confidence building points, when it seemed to me that chance of survival, or even success, increased. For example, the non-collapse after the SR takedown and crucially for me, when the US decided to auction seized coins. This is rarely mentioned, but I think those auctions were a huge 'mistake' by TPTB. From their pov, they should have destroyed the coins - instead they literally legitimised BTC.
Sold about 3% in the 5-digits for treats, but not out of scale to general lifestyle.
Played a little with alts, missed ETH though (didn't like the too-slick build-up) now just XMR. Dumped the forks for one-sixth stash boost (thanks Roger). Thought BCH an obvious take-over attempt by the corps and China and would rather have sunk with the ship than be pwned by Jihan, the CCP and fvckin Calvin forcrissakes. Surprised that jbreher bought in, respected the guy.
edit: Hi Toxic2040, and thanks for the charts. I like that you present a range. 3 shades of grey, as it were.
edit: thanks Globb0, you can be a funny guy
+6 WOsMerit's
This is good insight that I agree is rarely mentioned. So much so that I kind of had a whoa moment thinking about it again. I vaguely remember being interested enough in the auction to actually try and figure out what the requirements of bidding would be. I think this was during the time when colored coins was a big(ger) debate and I was just too worried about taint to follow through however.
Your welcome. I am glad you enjoy my feeble
ch-art attempts. I too am mostly interested in longer term trends that are shown on the weekly and dailies, but hope that "shorter" time frames can be of use to some.