Non-story, as Tim Sweeny admitted himself.
It was one of their payment processors "trying something out".
Monero afficionados had five days in the sun.
Then reality hit them in the face like a bottle of Barolo
This is one of the major red flags of Last of the v8's and the rest of the Trilema shills - an anti-fungibility coin, anti-Monero stance. No sane human would ever shill for a non-fungible, permissioned ledger, govt tracking system token that abolishes the 5th amendment, which is what bitcoin currently is.
I do have many problems with Monero, like in the case of it's cryptography imploding it just functions as a honey trap to then expose all transactions people thought were hidden (unless something has changed with it recently; I haven't kept up with it). When I was there right at the beginning of Monero discussing it's parameters with people, I said it's emission schedule was insane too, because an actual economy has to be built around the tokens before the entire supply is mined out. It was just way too frontloaded leaving it exposed to die like all PoW coins that get flash mined.
And of course transaction validators are designed to centralize just like bitcoin, defeating the entire point of it's existence. Which is why they already changed PoW to try and fight it, meaning the coin has central bankers or a "benevolent dictatorship" like a linux distro. None of these things are decentralized and can only be compared to an open source project like Firefox best case scenario. Would you go all-in if Firefox started making Firefox dollars? I would not, which is why I buy physical metals instead of craptocurrencies.