Thanks for the tip. My PSU was Flypower PS60IBCAY5000S and searching for that game me so many shitty links to "replacement" parts that were not even close in power output that I gave up trying to find the specs. It came with an AItech USB hub which I think is either out of business or had to change it's name for legal reasons... at any rate, I can't find them either.
There is nothing like Florida oranges and grapefruit (especially the ruby reds). Once a year I order a box around Christmas and I'll probably end up using my credit card but it would be nice to be able to use Bitcoin
You need to goto The Dominican Republic and eat the fruit off the trees there if you think florida's fruit is good.
Next Bitcoin moon cycle, I will cash out enough to go to the Dominican Republic then. I prefer vine-ripened tomatoes so I can only imagine tree-ripened fruit. The peaches I can buy here are usually as hard as stone when available and the kiwis from Italy are like wood and sour most of the time although I was able to buy some golden variety recently that are pretty darn juicy.