Not sure if this was already posted, please don't kill the messenger as i don't agree with lots of these points.
However, this shows where institutional investors (aka hedgies) are on this. short: institutionals are shell-shocked and bewildered.
My take home message from this particular tweetstorm: small size institutional money will not participate from now on.
TL;DR she predicts that, similarly to how internet happened, blockchain will eat the world, but somehow traditional players (Fidelity, Paypal, etc) would be the winners and we would be the losers.
I disagree, obviously.
It's really frustrating because when the smoke clears on all the bullshit, shitcoin scams, and ICO scams, it's clear to anyone that gets involved with the crypto space that the entire industry/ecosystem hinges on Bitcoin
TM being successful. It begins and ends with Bitcoin
TM. All the other crap is just noise and nonsense. I think everyone realizes this by now.
If every company out there would just rally around Bitcoin
TM, create services and job opportunities exclusively for Bitcoin
TM, and integrate with it exclusively, there would be zero, I mean ZERO downside to that. Bitcoin would be fully supported, miners would get 100% behind it, R&D development would get behind it, investors would get 100% behind it, etc. End users would not be so confused on what to buy and why -- they would know exactly what to buy: Bitcoin
But no, everyone wants to recreate the wheel with their own one-off, co-opted and privatized blockchain and their own coin. Well good luck with that. All those efforts will fail massively and spectacularly.
It really is the public Internet vs. privatized Intranets battle all over again. Have we learned nothing from that?