Did she sell at the bottom?
She clearly doesn't want him to sell the vacuum cleaner for more bitcorns.
Funny coincidence, I just bought my first new one ever. May be a sign of getting old. LOL... Didn't spend 40k in BTC though.
Do we really need this kind of shit *here*?
SHIT that should not be quoted
Nope and those of us that have it on ignore don't need to see it quoted either.
banks routinely steal the contents of safety deposit boxes, never use one
I am not aware of this. Just did a search, well I'm not surprised, unfortunately.
I would have thought that was illegal but guess not.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_kCl6RS4UkFederal rules say banks can drill a box without permission only when there is a court order, search warrant, delinquent rental fees, requests from estate administrators, or if the bank is closing a branch
Apparently this is not being enforced. I'm also not surprised I haven't seen this on the national news. From the story they say that the oversight committee "does not get involved with customer complaints". Fuck this country is going down the fucking drain fast.