Objective fact: I had already been through a number of proportional magnitude spike/crashes. Your dissembling does not change this reality.
Oh? So in your mind, you are smarter based on certain kinds of experiences?
Not at all. However, living through several X increase followed by huge loss in one month's time cannot help but induce a lizard brain / emotional response. All I am saying is that I have been through more such cycles -- at least in bitcoin -- than you. And other asset classes, as a general rule, do not behave thusly. So likely more such cycles regardless of asset class.
Accordingly, it seems unlikely that your characterization of my mental state is likely flawed. And may likely contain some measure of projection.
I may or may not be smarter than you, but such would not have anything to do with my response to your characterization.
O.k. Fair enough.
I am willing to temporarily make-up based on those kinds of representations, at least we can have a beer based on that - but I am not going to go so far as to spend a holiday meal with you... hahahahahaha not yet, unless you are dating my sister or something, then I would likely be able to tolerate over a meal or a holiday gathering... .
By the way, I still do believe that you responded a bit too much and too strongly to me - because all I stated was that "you probably was feeling nervous based on market circumstances." I will concede that in reality, I don't know what the fuck you would have been feeling and specifically how you are dealing with some of the BTC price movements (and those other shit coin projects), and in the end, it does not really matter. I named you as my example, because you happen to be a kind of symbol in this thread (a talking point), in part, based on the strong positions that you have taken in regards to BIG blocks and bcash, and some other bitcoin bashing, such as bashing segwit and other consensual developments in bitcoin including its governance.
The fact that you frequent upon bitcoin bashing makes you a talking point target, and what I say does not even need to be personally about you and your particulars, it is merely a talking point - to say "jbreher must be feeling blah blah blah." Who gives a shit how jbreher is actually feeling, because it is a reference to a symbol that happens to likely be a real person (actually I am not even accusing you of being a non-person, yet...
Personally, I think that it is fair game for me or anyone here to razz you or attempt to razz you in various ways, partly because you defend bcash so vigorously (which is widely disliked by active participants of this thread), and you get plenty of zingers into suggesting bitcoin is flawed in various ways, that just seem to be parroting talking points of bcashers and other alt coin pumpers, ICO pumpers and bitcoin naysayers.
Regarding my experience compared to yours, blah blah blah.. who fucking cares? People come to this thread with various kinds of experiences and abilities to contribute, and over time some of us grow more into the thread and some might grow away from the thread, and there are many variations in between in terms of how life experience or thread experience might allow for various kinds of contributions...
Anyhow, we might have reached at least a bit of a temporary kind of truce here, for now, but I don't necessarily expect you to stand down in any kind of meaningful way, exactly, either, you stubborn fuck.