Paying your taxes is not socialism, it's patriotism.
Submitting to organized armed thugs is patriotism... got it.
Waitaminute... that ain't patriotism, it's subservience.
You wanna be a patriot, how 'bout you send in a check for ten times what 'the law' says you owe. Actually, that ain't patriotism either. For it will not be going to your nation, but rather to your government. Which is not the same thing.
It is the government that builds and maintains the stuff your nation needs to function. if they fail, select someone else.
Don't get me wrong, I'm absolutely fine with people not wanting to 'subserve' to anything, I just don't like it when people do want to use hospitals, roads, the fire department etc etc and still don't want to pay taxes.
Your tax form is not a voting ballot. Those are two very different things.
You're correct that you get taxed every year, as is customary in most of the world.
You get taxed 1.2% not 1.5% over anything over 25k not 2.5k, minus debts.
Our economic system is not backwards, look up the numbers. Taxing stale money does not inhibit succes. Seems like taxing actual succes (profit in trading) is more akin to taxing succes.
I'd gladly give you a percentage of my wealth if you build the roads I drive my motorcycle on, build the school that my daughter goes to, and there is a system in place whereby I can check and judge your performance, together with my compatriates.
Isn't that already paid for from the Netherlands 51.95% tax rate on anything over 65,000 that's fucking wild right there with that tax rate. On top of that they take 1.2% of your money over $25k and assets(?) What if your savings for a house, retirement or who knows, you just have to fight an uphill battle. I think thise tax rates pay plenty for your roads and schools I know my tax rate of 22% I pay on the same income amount pays for ours.
The tax rate on the top bracket used to be much higher, as in 85%. 'Wild' depends on your frame of reference. I think owning 10 houses and 20 cars is wild. 8 houses and 15 cars should be enough for any one person. Tax everything above that 100% I say.
In general the rate of taxation is kinda high on the income part here, kinda low on what most people here enjoy doing, trading (0%). Other countries just chose to tax trading to pay the schools and roads. You decide what's better.