The United Kuckdom has been going down the drain for years now... Nothing new. Completely ruined by modern radical leftism. Better not watch tv without a license or buy a butterknife under 18.I am glad you know the UK so well. However, you obviously are not quite well-informed enough to know that the Tories (in power since 2010) are hardly what most people would call radical left, unless you think Margaret Thatcher was a socialist.
You should also know the TV license has always been entirely to fund the BBC, through all of its outlets online, on TV and on radio which are free and carry no advertising or sponsorship. Most people in the UK rather like the BBC. Even if they do moan about it, they would not see it gone by any stretch of the imagination, nor do they prefer endless ad breaks, as some countries seem to love.
OK, maybe the UK should let kids buy knives and stab each other (which has been an issue) or maybe you think less of them would be stabbed if they were armed?
The thing is the UK worries about knives as it really doesn't have anything like a fine popular tradition of mass shootings to worry about, is it doing that wrong too?
Well the UK has what the population of 66 million? That's just the population of California and Texas, we have plenty of States we could combine (that have plenty of guns) that haven't had a mass shooting and have more of a population. We're fucking massive here and we just pay for our advertisementless tv, I sure enjoy The Grand tour over the recent top gear. Honestly each nation has their issues, people like to talk shit on the US but it's because we're massive and information is open here. I'm sure plenty of wild crimes happen in India and China but just aren't wildly reported on.
The UK can do the what the UK wants, just as any country can for all I care just don't push your countries views and don't mock ours.
I have no desire to attack - I was defending the UK (see bolded nonsense above).
For the record I have no personal hatred of Americans or the USA, I lived in Manhattan for a few years, on 2nd St. and C, where 2nd meets Houston. Loved it.
I dislike ignorance, but I have no personal beef with most on here (excepting the obvious critters who spoil this place with the stench of hatred).
One thing that is sadly apparent is Americans seem to understand the UK (and Brexit in particular) no better than British people understand calculating baseball batting averages. I do wish they realised it; there are quite a few Brits here and we have enough arguments on our own turf, without any ill-informed help, I can assure you.